Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tunneling Through

We just HAD to get outside today.  It has not been the most joyous of I figured a couple of hours outside would do every one of us good.  We have some serious mounds of snow at the end of the drive way and I decided it would be fun to tunnel through them.  We had built a snowman.  But I may or may not have made him to big and I could not lift the middle section up.

 Adelyn coming through the tunnel for the first time.
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 Jojo coming through
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Little B.  Didn't get a good one of him because the girls were standing in the way.
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 Miss Adelyn working on the roof.  Tomorrow we are going to make it bigger and possibly tunnel through the other side!!
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Showing off our hard work :)
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 We came in at 6:00, everyone was starving so I threw some food on plates and this is what Eric and I ate.  Eric was NOT impressed.  Apples and peanut butter, what's not to like?!
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