Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adelyn's Birthday Day

I put up decorations Friday night for Adelyn's birthday.  I wanted to have them up for her actual birthday, as well as her party. 

The decorations in the living room where supposed to be pink/purple across the ceiling.  The Dollar Tree decided to fold there same brand, same size tableclothes differently for different colors.  So the purple tableclothes were pleated the wrong way and it wasn't working to hang them..  Oh well.  It still looks cute.  When she came out of her room she said "Mommy what did you put in my door?  I don't like it.  Take it down."  Awesome.  So glad I did all that "hard" work.  AND my balloons and tableclothes fell down in the living room.  So that was an added bonus.  I put it back up with about a roll of packaging tape.  It stayed, that time.  

Her birthday started bright and early at 5:58.  She was soooo excited for her birthday, she couldn't help it.  Fortunately, she came down to go to the bathroom and then went back up and chatted to herself for another hour.  That girl wakes up tooo early sometimes.  We got about 12-14 inches of snow during the night and had breakfast plans with some friends.  When I got up at 6:30 to go for my "run,"  I ran trudged around half a block and came back home.  I literally was plowing my own path and it wasn't fun.  Instead I shoveled half the driveway and snowblowed the other half.  We braved the roads for our breakfast date and it wasn't too bad...because it wasn't busy at 8:00 in the morning ;) 

I got to eat breakfast with these two cuties and Sophia's momma at DeBoers.  Yum.  Adelyn ate ALL her food and some of mine.  Tiff asked her if she had a tapeworm.

 When we got home there were another couple inches on the driveway so Daddy took all the kiddos outside so he could snowblow while I baked some cakes.

The advantage to living on a cul-de-sac::your kids can play in the road.  The disadvantage to living on a cul-de-sac::your kids think they can play in the road anywhere.  ...Daddy also helped the neighbor snowblow his driveway.  What a nice guy :)

 When they came in I had lunch ready and after lunch Adelyn opened her present from us.

                   Cutie Patootie.                                                                        Fancy Nancy Books!!!
Fancy Nancy and the Spenderifous Christmas
We got her a Fancy Nancy book for Christmas and she loved it so I bought her a bunch of them off Amazon for her birthday.

 We had family pictures in the afternoon with Papa, Nana, Auntie and Uncle Josh.  After that we let the birthday girl pick were we wanted to go for dinner.  "Applebees."  

The whole crew.  I was so impressed with the waitress.  I asked her to take a picture and normally they snap one super blurry one and that's it.  She took 3 pictures.

The wait staff came out and sang to Adelyn for her birthday and she was so excited :)
What a goober.

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