Monday, February 25, 2013

The Pukes.

This is my little lady after she woke up this morning.  Cheery. Happy. Her normal self.
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This was after we went to the grocery store.  She has never (in her ENTIRE life) fallen asleep on the couch.  I knew she had a fever before we went to the store.  But I desperately needed food.  Like desperately.  This was also right before she woke up, 2 minutes after she fell asleep, and vomited all over my micro-suede couch.  Surprisingly, it all came out, with little difficulty.
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After lunch (or a little bit of water, for A) everybody went down for a nap.  She fell asleep for approximately 2 minutes and projectile vomited water/stomach acid all over the carpet.  Poor baby.  She came downstairs to sleep on the couch.  This time I wised up and covered it in a blanket first.
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All in all it lasted 8 hours.  She slept, mostly, though the night.  She woke up around 4 for some water.  Then went back to sleep until 7ish.  No one else got sick.  Praise the Lord.

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