Sunday, February 3, 2013

Adelyn's Birthday Party

We had Adelyn's party planned for Super Bowl Sunday.  Somehow it, typically, works out to be on that day.  Poor girl.  Born on Groundhog's Day and has to celebrate on Super Bowl Sunday.  Ha.  
My grandma had asked me this past Tuesday what I had planned and I said "Honestly, nothing.  I'm waiting for them to get sick so I can cancel it."  She laughed.  We have been so busy with my brother being home and vacations that I didn't really take the time to plan her party.  And if I HAD planned it in advance, they would have gotten sick.  This whole thing was thrown together in a few days..and no one got sick.  When I asked her what she wanted to eat she said "Hamburgers, boogers, ice-cream and cake."  We had hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade (baked) french fries, fruit, caramel corn, cake and ice cream.  No boogers.  I'm sure she managed to sneak some in but the rest of us passed.. I asked her on Friday what kind of ice-cream she wanted and she said "Strawberry.  Can I have a bit of cornet too?"  Brecken and Joelle have a Topsy and Tim book that is British and they ask the ducks if they want a "bit of cornet" ...or, for us Americans, an ice cream cone.  Eric and I laughed for a long time about that one.  Fortunately for Adelyn, there were ice cream cone's involved in her cake ;)

Everyone was running behind because it had been (and was) snowing heavily all morning.  My grandparents were some of the last to arrive and they ended up getting stuck half a block before our house.  My poor grandpa walked to our house to get some help.  After getting unstuck and my mom and Grandma arriving, the party started!  After we ate, Adelyn requested to open presents before cake and ice cream.  We obliged.

She hugged of her presents.  She (can be) the cutest thing. 

After she opened her little house Uncle Josh got her for her baby bears, she said "Where is my little chair for my baby?"  Eric and I busted out laughing...while everyone else looked confused.  We had brought her to Target about a week ago and had her pick out some things for Eric's parents and Josh to get her.  She picked out the little house, a hook-on chair for her baby, princess Yahtzee, a dance outfit for her baby and a purse for doll clothes.  While at Target she had some fairies (from the movie Tinkerbell) picked out.  They had some wings that looked like they could be easily broken.  You know, by destructive brothers and sisters.  So I said to her "Why don't we get something different because I think Brecken and Joelle might break the wings.  Then you would be really sad."  She looked really sad and said "Ok. But I am going to get them when Brecken and Joelle go back in you tummy."  Bahahahahahaha.  Not quite sure when that is going to happen but, apparently, that is what she is hoping for!

Joelle and some crazy balloon hair :)

A princess kite!

B and Uncle Josh.  Despite B's obvious distress, he kept coming back to sit with Josh.

  She has been looooving the duplo's sets..                                              ...aanndd the coveted chair.
Eric and I hemmed and hawed about that chair.  We don't allow any type of toy at the dinner table, while eating, and thought it might be a problem to have to take it down...and a problem for little sister.  But we conceded, deciding that she could leave it clipped at the bar, if she wanted, and put it at the table when we weren't eating.  It IS currently clipped at the table.  She, surprisingly, doesn't play with it while eating AND has allowed Jojo to play with it.  I'm sure I'll move it to the counter soon but for now it's kinda cute :)

Waiting patiently for her cake...

Surprise!!!  Kobe's face is priceless.


Make a wish!

Adelyn and her "bit of cornet"  :)  She was actually pretty ticked.  She ended up only wanting ice cream and to eat the sixlets off the cake.  She ate a piece of the chocolate covered cone and said "I don't like it."  She was mad because I wouldn't give her more ice cream and candy..  First world problems. 

The cake was relatively easy to make.  I had googled a couple different pictures and referenced them but a lot of the ideas were my own.  I covered waffle cones in pink chocolate, used sixlets around the layers, wafer cookies for the castle door and drawbridge and candy necklaces on toothpicks for the drawbridge.  The stars are wands, that are supposed to be party favors, put into the top of the waffle cones.

Such a great party, for such a great little girl.  A big thank you to all of our family for braving the treacherous roads to come!!!

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