Saturday, February 9, 2013

M.M. & S.S.

My Men & Sick Saturday.
Eric was fixing our bathroom door and Brecken saw Daddy with his tools.  B has a little toolbox he got from my parents last Christmas.  I saw B run into the living room, grab his hammer and run back to Daddy.
Such a sweet, sweet picture.
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We *finally* caught Josh's cold.  He's only been home for 2 1/2 weeks and has had a cold the whole time.  Jojo woke up this morning with a runny nose so I was determined to push probiotics and healthy food.  I am pretty sure I boiled every single thing in chicken broth and added it when something called for water.
Heart shaped carrots.  Inspired via Pinterest.  Homemade Spaghetti-O's.  These are soooo good.  Again.  Via Pinterest.  I did add a bunch of shredded zucchini and carrots to the sauce and blended it all up.
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 My sweet little loves eating their uber yummy lunch. 
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