Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gymnastics Finale

Adelyn had her last Motor Movement class today.  Love the classes Zeeland Rec puts on.  So much fun.  She has had it once a week for 10 weeks.  The last class you were allowed to bring your siblings in, for the last half.  Sooo cute.  B and J both LOVED it.  They thought they were soo cool.

 Darla had a little obstacle course set up for the kiddos.  Off they go!
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Our kids would LOVE it if we got a trampoline.  The neighbors have one and they think it's a blast.  Someday...when we have a bigger back yard.
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Balance beam.  Brecken thinks he can do everything.  And he pretty much can.
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I'm pretty sure Joelle stayed on the trampoline and the mats the whole time.. ;)
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Braving the tunnel
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Circle time.  Joelle missed the memo.
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Darla started handing out their awards.  I told Brecken and Joelle to sit by Adelyn and this is what she did :)  Love these kiddos.
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Good job Adelyn!!
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I have Adelyn signed up for gymnastics this summer.  They are only offering one class because it is Darla's last one!  She is finally retiring.  Soo sad.  Everyone is going to miss her.  She's a good friend of Eric's mom and has been doing the gymnastics/motor movement classes at Zeeland Rec for FOREVER.  It will be hard to find a replacement for her, that's for sure.

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