Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rogalske Family Pictures

We had to have some family pictures scheduled while Josh was home!  It's been a long time since we had them done.  We had them scheduled for Saturday and earlier in the week I was praying for snow.  All of our previous snow had melted and there was a nice muddy backdrop.  God hear me...and brought 14 inches.  It was 20 degrees out on Saturday and we wanted to do them with just clothes on.  I had the kids in about 3 layers.  The girls had boots on but little B's boots were not covered by his jeans, so the poor boy just had shoes on.  We did them at VanRaalte and the scenery was beautiful.  I came loaded up with Smarties, per usual, and I had to break them open right from the get go.   I told Felicia the most important picture was the entire family one and then we could go from there.  The second we got the whole family lined up Adelyn went into freak-out mode.  I started getting pissed, paused, crouched down to her level and talked her off the ledge.  Eric said he was uber impressed I got her to stop.  
We did get a couple shots of the birthday girl (which I am saving for her 4 year blog post) but here is a little teaser :)

One of my parents.  Doesn't my Mom look great?!  She has lost a lot of weight.

The whole family.  So impressed how this turned out.  The kids were not having anything to do with smiling but they are looking and they are not crying.  Win, win.

My pretty birthday girl and I.  She needed some more coaxing.  Tears in her eyes but she still had a smile.

Nana and Jojo

Too much cuteness in one picture.  I can't stand it.

Uncle Josh!  Can't believe how quickly these kiddos have attached to their uncle.

My poor sister.  She was a popsicle.  Love this one.

Everyone loves their Auntie.  I get asked almost every day where Auntie is.

This last one pretty much sums it up.  I wanted one with the three of them but told Felicia to do it last because the others were more important.  This is what we got::
 Screaming, and I mean SCREAMING, Brecken, non-caring Joelle and zombie Adelyn.

Poor little B screamed for the next 30 minutes.  I kid you not.  He was frozen.  His feet didn't warm up alll night.  I turned the heat up in the house, put him in footie pajamas and socks.  Poor dude.  
Oh well.  It was totally worth it.

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