Tuesday, February 5, 2013

MNO::Olive Garden & Ice Skating

Our former book club, now Mother's Night Out, started going to a different restaurant a month.  We decided to do A-Z for restaurants and we are on "G" this month.  Tiff brought up ice-skating and we decided to throw that in there too.  So.much.fun.  Our friend Joy had two cousins in town.  They decided to brave our group of cooped up women and join us.  For whatever reason our food took foooorever to come out and we didn't leave Olive Garden until 8:30.  Rosa Parks closed at 9:30 but we figured about half an hour was all our old child birthing bones could take anyways.

 Momma Al and I.  The only two of us crazy ladies to have 3 children...in 2 (for me) and 2 1/2 (for her) years.  And we both have a set of twins.  Yep.  We are certifiably insane.

Former book club, now MNO, minus 1.  For some reason our friend, who is 7 months pregnant, did not want to go ice-skating.. ;)  I *almost* refrained from putting this picture in.  For purely vain reasons.

Ice-skating was sooooo much fun.  Eric refuses to take me (he's afraid to try new things) < I'm not a little bitter about that or anything.  I don't think I have laughed that much in a long time.  Some of us were veteran ice-skaters (ha ha ha) and others...well, maybe not so much.

Steph and Sarah.  They had to run out before the rest of us and get a few laps in.  They were practicing their skillllllls.

 Can I get a matching red hat and coat and 
     look this good?!  Pleasssssssssssse.                                               Sarah.  She's pretty much a pro.

 Posting this one because I DON'T look like the Amazon Lady.

Tiff.  She's strutting her stuff.  Just showing you all how good she will look with her walker in 60 years.

 Like I said.  Looking good with the walkers.

Amazon Lady.  Love them all.

I think Claire, Sarah and I missed the memo we were supposed to make a crazy face.. Hum.
So blessed to call these girls my friends.  What a wonderful time.

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