Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine’s Day

We have a yearly tradition of going to the beach and eating dinner for Valentines day.  I asked Eric if we could skip it this year because we were mid Biggest Loser and I didn't feel like ordering junk food.  He said that he really wanted too (and I did too...but BL...) so off we went. 
Eric was planning on picking up our traditional 84 East and I picked up the kids foods.  Rotten Ronnies.  In true 84 East fashion they forgot to give me silverware.  Again.  2 years running.  Last year I used a baby spoon I found in my purse.  This year I found a (adult sized) spoon in my glove box.

B and J enjoying their McDonalds.
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Adelyn J.  Complete with chicken nugget in her mouth.
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My favorite boy and I.  I know I am slightly blurry but my other option I looked 4 feet taller than Eric.  No thanks.
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This is my (current) most favorite dessert ever.  It has a pecan/chocolate/brown sugar crust and is a custard like top with eggs, sugar, butter and chocolate.  And I don't like chocolate.  Silk Pie.  Yummy.
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