Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Byeeeeee Josh

Josh had to leave on Thursday, in order to be home by Friday.  My sister worked Wednesday night so we had our good-bye supper Tuesday.  We had to snap some (candid) family pictures before he left.  Lets just say this.  My family is special to me, in so many ways.

Josh and Momma
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Like I said.  Special to me, in so many ways.  I'm not even sure what they were doing..  They both just started doing it.  
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aanndd again.
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Ah yes.  That's better.  Normal ;)
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Uncle Josh and Adelyn J
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 I'm not sure who is funnier...Adelyn being a cheese ball, Josh acting scared or B crying.
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Not bad ;)
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Thursday morning we went downtown Holland to get breakfast.   I was snapping pictures left and right and holding the camera at weird angles trying to get everyone.  Wasn't working.  So this is what we got.  And still no Brecken.  Oh well.  He was there.
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We miss you, Josh.  Come home soon.

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