Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adelyn J::4 years

I have a preschooler.  I can't call her a toddler anymore.  She is a preschooler.  Boo.  I'll ask her to stop growing up and she tells me no every time.  :(  It's a good thing she's cute. 
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-weighs 41lbs, 87th percentile
-43 3/4in tall, 98th percentile
-size 4T, 5T or xs clothes.  we maximize clothes around here ;)
-size 10/11 shoe
-proudly stays in her big girl bed during the appropriate times without a door knob lock
-still naps most days
-100% potty trained, day and night, for over 6 months now
-loves to brush her teeth
-speaking of teeth, her 2 year molars are FINALLY all the way through
-can count to 15
-has her full name and address memorized
-can almost recite my phone number.  between our zip code and my phone number there are 6 4's and she mixes them up, occasionally
-knows black, brown, white, pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red
-can recognize some letters
-spells her first name, working on last name
-i have recently purchased zoo-phonics. it's an alphabet system that uses hand motions, animals and letter sounds, first, in recognizing the alphabet.  we have a-j memorized. 
-loves to play games.  candyland, memory, yahtzee are her favorites
-loves puzzles
-loves her baby dolls
-she can be, seriously, the most sweetest human being i know.  she is EXCELLENT at picking up on moods.  when i cried the other day, she cried.  hopefully this remains part of her wonderful personality.
-thoroughly enjoys talking back.  it is something we are working on.  they print off a bunch of generic papers at the doctor's office, what to expect during the 4th year, what they should eat, what they should do, yadda yadda yadda.  and it's all personalized.  so instead of he/she, me/I they use the child's name.  i was reading under what to expect at 5 and 6 year visits and it said "Dealing with Adelyn's temper problem's."  I wanted to call them up and shout "How did you know?!?!?!"
-is going through some weird separation anxiety.  she never wants me to leave and if i do, i have to come to her room and wake her up when i get home and cuddle.  i oblige :)
-she loves (and loves to fight with) her brother and sister.  she talks about them all the time.  every time she has a motor movement/swimming class she has to kiss, hug and say i love you to them.  so sweet.
-she is very helpful around the house.  any time we run out of "roilet" paper she fills it back up.
-always makes her bed.  every.single.morning.  i was wondering who was making her bed (because it certainly wasn't me).  i came to the conclusion it had to be her (because it certainly wasn't eric) 
-she refuses to play with all the nice toys in her room "because then it will be messy"  i have noooo idea where she gets her OCD from
-she hates jeans.  absolutely, positively hates them.  i finally folded them all up, except for 2 really nice pairs, and put them back in the basement for Joelle.  it was a fight every morning and i hate fighting about it.  target had there leggings on sale for $5.  i bought one in every color.  
-she missed one of the milestones at her well-child visit.  drawing a person with at least three body parts.  our doc said it's more of a 5-year question and most 4-year-olds don't get it.  she knows where all the parts are.  she has a face sticker book that has blank faces and then all kinds of "accessories."  but every time i ask her to draw a person/ isn't pretty ;)
-she also failed her hearing test.  that's normal too, for the first one.  but sometimes i do wonder ;)

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Little Interview::I asked the questions she gave the answers..if it needed explaining it's in parenthesis::
What's your name:: A-d-e-l-y-n
How old are you:: 4
What's your favorite color:: Purple
Who is your best friend:: Sophia
What is your favorite animal:: Kangaroo (not quite sure where that one came from?!)
What do you want to do when you grow up::  I don't know
What is your favorite movie:: Tangled & Tinkerbell
What is your favorite book:: I'm a Big Sister
What makes you happy:: kangaroos, babies
What makes you sad:: Hitting and biting
What is your favorite food:: Eggs and Toast
What is your favorite song:: ABC's
What games do you like to play::  Soccer, Yahtzee got-zee (don't ask me why she calls it that), Candyland
What are your favorite clothes:: The purple shirt
What is your favorite restaurant:: Applebee's
What is your favorite toy::  Stroller, babies, chairs (her new baby chair)
What is your favorite vegetable:: Beans (pinto beans)
What is your favorite fruit:: grapes
What is your favorite TV show:: Word World
What are you really good at:: Finding something cute (doesn't she like to think so?!)
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 Because everyone loves some good ole Adelyn funnies::
-My grandma was taking a picture of our family last night and Eric was sitting next to Adelyn.  As he was sitting she said "Watch out for that big booty!"  My Grandma cracked.up.
-Adelyn was picking her nose and, apparently, eating her boogers.  “That’s some yummy sausage!”  Sick.
-Adelyn ran up to me with Eric’s hair stuff and asked me to do Brecken’s hair “so he could look good for the ladies.”
-I came out of our bedroom and had a white shirt and jeans on.  She looked at me, put her hands on her hips and said "You are going to wear THAT?"  Ummm...I was.  She goes to my closet and says "You need to wear THIS."  I refrained.
-we were leaving the other morning and as I was putting on B and J's shoes and coats I yelled to Adelyn (who was supposed to be putting her shoes and coat on) "where are you and what are you doing?!"  she yells back "I'm picking up the toys!  I don't know why I am, because I don't want too!"  Bahahahaha.  I let her finish ;)  ...and I didn't ask her too, FYI. 
-Adelyn did something to Brecken, I don't remember what, but it was really awful since I rarely spank her in the middle of the room.  Normally it's a calm "loving" experience.  And by loving I mean we go into a bedroom by ourselves, I am very calm, explain why and then spank.  I know, I'm evil.  We use a wooden spoon too.  Don't judge.  Anyways.  She was in just her undies and I spanked her at the bar.  She immediately started crying and said "Mommy!  Look!"  She said it probably three times and I was just ignoring her, comforting my wailing son.  Finally I said "I don't need to look.  I know your butt is red."  Because, normally, I get to look at her red butt.  Not this time.  She said "No look, Mommy!"  So I turned and looked.  She started patting her butt cheeks with both hands and said "Mommy!  My buns are crying! My buns are crying!"  I turned around and started laughing.  I could see Eric laughing in the other room.  Sigh.

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Momma loves you so much baby girl.  And, someday, despite telling me I'm evil and you will NEVER, EVER spank your own children, you will grow up and spank your own children.  Although it might be illegal by then.

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