Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cookies, Cuties and Chickens

This is what trying to watch a movie is like at our house.  When everyone wants to sit by (or on) Momma.  Fun.
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I thought everyone would like to help me make some cookies today.  Boy was I ever right ;)  Everyone loved helping to pour things into the mixer, turning it on, eating things etc.
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Sampling the finished product.  They were White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies.  I hate white chocolate.  Still do.  It's grody.   Everyone approved except for me-but that didn't stop me from eating them.  Joelle actually ate them, too.  Probably because they had cranberries in them and were not overly sugary.
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These pictures are from 2 different days.  But Adelyn is constantly putting something on over her clothes or in her hair.  And she always asks to have her picture taken ;)
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I roasted this lovely bird for supper.  Soooo yummy.  Isn't the steam coming out of it neat?!
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