Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Very Own Sloth

We started a snowman yesterday.  Obviously, I made the bottom and the middle quite large.  I couldn't lift the middle up, yesterday, so Eric helped me this morning.  Last night every thing froze up pretty well and it didn't warm up enough to thaw today.  Since I could walk across the snow without sinking in, rolling a ball for the head wasn't working.  I had to come up with second best::chopping one out of the snowbank.  Again, frozen snow, so I couldn't shape it very well either.  For those of you who missed the Goonies reference, we have our very own Sloth.  I almost laughed when I put the head up there.  But Adelyn was soooo excited and thought he was the "most beautiful thing ever."  I decided not to crush her hopes and dreams by laughing.  She had asked to put a pair of boots on him when we talked about it this morning.  Thankfully she forgot because I wasn't about to leave a pair of my boots in the middle of the yard!  After Adelyn and I had finished decorating the snowman she stepped back and said "Oh he is soooo beautiful!  Give me a high five for a good job, guys!"

 Sloth and his girls.  Pretty sure we listened to B cry.  The.entire.time we were outside.  2 hours.  Just in case you were wondering.
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He decided if everyone else got to get their picture taken, he wanted in too.
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He managed to stop the tears for a couple minutes..oh Sloth.  Bahaha.
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Pretty sure Sloth got more hugs and kisses from everyone than *I* have gotten the past few days.  Maybe I should just pretend I'm a very badly misshapen snowman...

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