Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Perfect Day.

 We started out the day getting ready to go to Nana’s house.  We had plans at night to go to my Grandma’s for supper and then my mom asked us to go sledding in the morning.  I decided to stay at my mom’s so we didn’t have to go back and forth so many times.  The morning started in our pantry, we had fun sledding at Nana’s and ended with a delicious supper.

Ever since I turned our lockers into actual lockers for shoes/coats, instead of lockers to store all of my kitchen necessities, the kids have LOVED playing in them.  Cracks me up every time.February2013 124

Cutest kids ever.February2013 127

We had the whole sledding hill to ourselves.  I can’t believe how much the kids loved it.  Particularly Joelle.  She has really been surprising me lately.  She is never a daring person and I thought she would hate being outside with the snow.  She has been loving it and she loved sledding the most.

Nana and JojoFebruary2013 128

Uncle Josh and Little BFebruary2013 132

My pretty little lady and IFebruary2013 135

Josh and B cruising down the hill
February2013 146

Nana cruising down the hill with Adelyn and Joelle.  Notice the spray in the first picture.  Adelyn did NOT appreciate that ;)
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This was the pout we got after the spray.  I asked if she wanted me to take a picture of it and she said yes.  Then she stopped pouting.February2013 166

What a trooper Joelle is.  She walked up this hill all by herself. February2013 168

            The look on Josh’s face is priceless.                                          Such a cute picture.
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Nana going down with Brecken and Joelle
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Momma and Adelyn flying byFebruary2013 216 

Adelyn licking the snow…why is it every kid has to lick or eat the snow?! February2013 226

She knows she’s good looking. February2013 228

Momma sledding with her smallest pretty ladyFebruary2013 229 February2013 232

Josh and Joelle February2013 234

He IS a stud muffin.February2013 237

Joelle hitching a ride up
February2013 239 
 Finished off the night with dinner at Oma's.  She makes the bestest meals.  Can't end the night without cuddles :)
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