Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The “C’s” in my Life.

After a terrible, rotten, no-good day I have determined all I need in life are things that start with the letter "C."  Those kids, I tell ya.  {I will call them kids after that statement.  Thankfully, I can also call them children.}

Eric and I read about Christ this morning.  I had a wonderful time with Christian friends over lunch and ice-skating.  I stopped for Coffee and Candy this afternoon.  LOUD Christian music on the way home from my parents (I can not find a "C" substitute for parents..)  Supper with my Children and my Chap (it's a reach, I know).  Again, fellowship with Coffee and a Christian friend this evening.

When I came home my husband had these on the counter for me.  Cupcakes.  Can I get an "Amen!"?!
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If I'm having a bad day, or a bad moment, please, PLEASE give me something that starts with "C."

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