Monday, January 28, 2013

Double JJ

Josh got into town Thursday night.  The same night I got the Jetta stuck in the snow not once but twice.  I got so much snow stuck under the engine, it smoked for a long time.  Always a good time.  We planned on meeting my parents and sister at Applebees the next day.  I texted Josh when we were all sitting down and he walked in.
To say they were surprised is putting it mildly.  My dad looked like he saw a ghost and my mom immediately started crying.  They were thrilled :) :)  After lunch we ventured on up to the Double JJ.  On the way it started snowing like crazy, making for a longer trip.  The kids got a "nap" in.  We made it up there in one piece and checked in at the resort.  
Let me start with the things I forgot::pajamas for Adelyn, Band J only had one pair of pajamas, swim diapers for B and J, my winter coat, tupperware for supper leftovers, cups for Adelyn and liquid dish soap.  The only thing we made a trip for was the swim diapers because they didn't have any at the resort.  That's what I get for packing everything (literally) the hour before we left.
We got a suite with a couple rooms in it.  My parents got the nice part (king size bed and jacuzzi bath tub).  We took the other room with the double bed and bunk beds.  There was a full kitchen on my parents side and a living/counter space on our side.  We moved the table out of our room and that's where we set up Brecken and Joelle's pack n play.  We ate some supper and made our way to the water park.

One of the only pictures of Daddy this weekend..                                           Auntie and Jojo

Adelyn had to have a "tutu" swimming suit.

Adelyn and Brecken going down the slide                                  Brecken and Joelle going down the slide
It was a good thing, for B and J, I brought life jackets.  B jumped right in the lazy river.  Luckily I was right next to him and snagged his life jacket before he floated away.  Adelyn saw this and jumped in.  Not so lucky for her, she did NOT have a life jacket on.  She was pretty traumatized and declared she was NOT going to swimming lessons (they start in a couple weeks).  I'm sure Joelle would have had many incidents if she did not have a life jacket on...  They had some to rent at the resort and I was going to get one for A but she said she didn't want one..  Thankfully she only had one incident.
I managed to convince Adelyn to go down the big slide.  She didn't cry..but I only convinced her to do it one more time.  Next year B can do these fun things with me..

Friday night the kids were up until 10:30 because we were at the water park until 9 and then they partied in their pack n plays for a while.  We stayed up until 12:00 playing games, Adelyn woke up crying at 4:30 and then she was up for good at 6.  At 7 I had Eric take her in the bathroom because she was getting too loud.  I told him I would come get him when everyone else woke up.  I didn't come get him until 8:30.  Whoopsies.

After breakfast, Saturday morning, we went on the pony rides.  The lady asked who was going first and Joelle ran up and said "Meeee!"

Adelyn wanted to go by herself :)

And Little B did NOT want to go around twice.

These are live cattle.  They are huge.  Eric pointed them out first and I told him he was trying to make me look dumb and that they were wooden.  Nope, they are real.

Pretty horses.

This horse had a serious itch on it's butt.  So bad it broke the fence over it.  No joke.  That's a mean itch.


Joelle petting one of the mini-horses.

We thought for sure everyone was going to take good naps Saturday afternoon. Ha. Ha. Ha. Adelyn wouldn't go to sleep, after getting mad at her a couple times I finally laid down with her, while I was laying in bed she said "Thank you for taking us here."  She promptly fell asleep and then woke up 45 minutes later.  She decided everyone else had to wake up too so she poked them awake.

Tubing around after naps.

Someone was playing with the huge water gun and accidentally got Adelyn and Joelle.  He felt really bad...I laughed.

Auntie and Jojo-I had just taken the lens cap off and the camera had no time to adjust.  Hence the fog.

Josh and B taking a ride on the lazy river.

The second (and last) time I convinced Adelyn to go down the big slide.  I told her Papa wanted her to go down ;)

Bunch o cuties floating down the river.

Rachel and Sean.

The kids went for a swim in Papa and Nana's bath tub.  It was impossible to get a picture with every one looking.  I have about 20 of them.  None with all three looking.  I had my dad come in and whistle for the last couple.  He made Joelle cry and Brecken was standing=inappropriate for publishing.

Saturday night we put the kids down around 8:30 after their bathes.  Brecken and Joelle would NOT go to sleep and were talking/laughing up a storm.  Adelyn was ticked because she wanted to go to sleep.  We finally took Adelyn out of the room and had her watch a movie in my parents bedroom.  B and J ended up rocking their pack n plays over by the silverware drawer, emptied it out and were throwing spoons/forks/knives at each other.  Joelle had a couple shanks (knives) tucked in her mattress.  They finally fell asleep around 10:30.  Adelyn went to bed around 11 and we went to bed around 1.  Brecken and Joelle were up at 2:30.  I had them in bed with us for about 20 minutes, put them back in their beds, they started fussing about 20 minutes later and Eric ended up sitting on the floor by their beds for another 1 1/2 hours.  He said B went to sleep right away but Joelle just sat in her bed and stared at him.  I got up with Adelyn at 7:30.  She watched a movie in our bathroom while I took a shower and started picking the room up.

The whole fam in front of the saloon.

We went to the water park for a little bit Sunday morning and were going to hit the sledding slopes Sunday afternoon.  The Weather Channel said that they were certain a huge ice storm was going to hit at 1.  We decided to skip the slopes because we didn't want to spend over $100 for nothing and headed home.  It sure was some ice storm.  NOT.  Absolutely nothing..until late at night.  Oh well.  
Eric and I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 6:15 this morning.  We had all the kids down by 7:30 and Adelyn slept until 8 and B and J slept until 10, this morning.

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