Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Papa and Nana::Christmas

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve, with my parents.  The advantages of being the first married.  I get to start the traditions.  Muahahaha.

Josh keeping it real.

Brecken and the onslaught of animals he received.  {He got the large portion of his gift a few days after Christmas.  Due to a power outage one day and a wrong part the next, it wasn't ready in time for Christmas}

Adelyn and her LeapReader.  I have been uber hesitant to get her anything electronic based.  I don't want her nose stuck in something silly for unlimited hours of the day.  I know I can limit it and use it for rewards and blah blah blah but, to me, it's just one more thing to fight/argue about and I want my children to do other non mind numbing activities with their time.  So we went with the LeapReader.  It doesn't do very many things except read you stories and let you practice the alphabet.  And she loves it.

Joelle's large gift was a bike!  She was ELATED.  Her hand-me-down blue one was too small by the end of summer.  This one is slightly too big (since we jumped her two sizes up) but it will be perfect come spring.  Oh, she was in love.

My mom always gets annoyed with me because I can never come up with good Christams gifts.  So this year I had to use some of Eric's Christmas money as well.  I'd say that's a good gift ;)  No worries, he benefits greatly...

**I enclosed a picture of my brother drinking so, in all fairness, I should enclose this one that he took of me.  It's real flattering, I know**

New stainless steel pots and pans!!!  Woo hoo!!!  Eric hates that the only pots and pans I was using were the $30 set I got at Target before we were married.  I didn't care....but these are MUCH nicer ;)  And I do, officially, love them.

Auntie got the kids sleeping bags.  B had to try it out.  And is "sleeping."

Eric's gift from my parents::his last golf club he needed to make his new set complete.  And, yes, my dad zip tied it to the box.  And Joelle is trying to fit IN the box.

AANNDD for our special little announcement!  We had told the kids earlier in the day and also told them they couldn't tell anyone.  I don't remember what Brecken was telling my mom here..


"A baby onesie!"  Hooray:):)

A great Christmas celebrating with my parents AND announcing our pregnancy!

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