Monday, December 16, 2013

The Most Stubborn Girl. Ever.

Joelle had some peas on her plate for lunch and she got mad at me about something so she threw the plate.  Peas scattered all over the table and I promptly told her to pick them up.  She refused.  I told her if she didn't, she was going to get spanked.  She still refused.  A half hour passed, while she sat there crying and it was time for naps.  She got spanked and told she could pick them up after naps.  She said ok.  She wakes up and I asked her if she was ready to pick them up.  "No."  Oh.  Ok.  I buckled her in her chair and there she sat.  She alternated between crying loudly and quietly sobbing.

**I took the pictures on my phone without her knowing.  She will thank me someday.**

She sat there from 3:00-5:15 before she picked them up.  No threats at that point.  She just had to pick them up.  She quietly picked them up and proudly said "All done, Momma."

Mommy for the win.  This time.

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