Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pretzel Making Fun

We made some homemade pretzels the other day.  They turned out deliciously.  We made quite a few things that morning that I didn't get pictures of.  Despite my best attempts at entertainment attitudes were to be desired.  We made Christmas sprinkle cookies and mint chocolate chip cookies too.

I knew I would have a win with the kids rolling the dough.  I was right.

Brecken and Joelle more smashed than rolled...but they still loved it.  I had them tell me what to make and I made it for them.

 Adelyn's "4," Brecken's "2" and Joelle's flower.  She wanted a flower and no amount of trying could convince her otherwise.  It's supposed to be a tulip but when I dropped it in the boiling baking soda it kinda turned into a heart...oh well she doesn't realize.

Nearly impossible to try to get a decent looking picture of all three...;)

The pretzels were super yummy.  Eric even gave them his seal of approval.  We made 8.  The 4 of us had one for lunch and then we were saving the other 4 for lunch the next day.  I had given Eric a piece of mine, that night.  He enjoyed it so much he snuck the remainder to work the next day.  You better believe he got a phone call.

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