Tuesday, December 17, 2013

bUmPdate::10 weeks

Try not to be jealous of this hotness.  I had just taken my hair done from my pony tail and I was headed to bed before I remembered a picture.  Yesssss.

How far along: 10 weeks  
Weight Gain: .5 lb
Movement: Nope.  
Symptoms: Tired.  Uber Nauseous at night.  Sweets and vegetables do NOT sound good.  I am very cranky.  I take a nap every.single.day.  If I don't, I'm out by 7.
What I miss: My energy level.
Cravings: Eggs.
Best moments this week: Seeing our sweet little baby on Ultrasound.
What I am looking forward to: Announcing to our families!
Names: 3 boy names, 1 girl name.  We hate girl names.

Sweet little babe.  Part of a little foot sticking up and a pretty good profile shot.  S/he had their little hand up like they were waving.  The doc tried to catch it but it went down too quickly.

Arms behind his/her head.   It's little heartbeat was chugging along around 170bpm.  Don't be trying to tell me if that's a boy or a girl...all our kids were exactly the same the whole time.  Starting off in the 170's and ending up in the 150's.

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