Sunday, December 15, 2013

Church Christmas Program

We had our church Christmas program the same morning we had Brecken and Joelle's birthday party.  Before I knew that I was planning on skipping church so I could get ready.  Then, when I found out, I decided we HAD to go.  Note to self::birthday party at night next year.

Adelyn's class filed in first.  Then they filed in the 2-year-olds.  Ha. Ha. Ha.

Adelyn was pointing us out to her friend McKenna.  Then she promptly waved like a crazy lady ;)

Singing "Christmas Bells."  You better believe Adelyn rocked it out.  She knew all the words and all the motions to "Away in a Manger."  Brecken knew most of the words and motions.  Joelle was mainly interested in shaking her bells.

Jack sat there the whole time.  Cracks me up.  Joelle was making sure everyone behind her was listening.

Notice the trend with Joelle?!  Adelyn doing her motions.

What a bunch of little cuties!



The little program was SO cute.  I'm glad we made it work.  I ended up leaving right after the program was done.  After the 2 songs the 2-year-olds filed out and the other kids sang another song and recited a couple verses.  When Brecken and Joelle walked past me, they were NOT having continuing on with their class.  They ended up sitting with me for a little bit and I walked them back to the nursery when I left.  Only the poor nursery volunteers were in a panic because they thought B and J were lost.  Whoops.

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