Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Our Christmas

When we first started Christmas with the kids, we decided to do Christmas day just us.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Believe it or not our Christmas morning started with breakfast.  At 10:30.  I made cinnamon rolls, eggs, sausage and bacon.  I firmly believe in eating before the chaos of presents.  Over and out.

Isn't my husband hilarious?!

Cuties opening their first gifts.  Joelle got a baby doll and Brecken got some puzzles.  Notice I changed their pajamas, into their Christmas pajamas?!

I think Adelyn was exited about her princess story book...and her horse puzzle ;)

Brecken was loving the farm theme.  More animals and some tractors.

Adelyn's big easel!  She loves it.

Joelle got some fun playmobile things.  This one you can use real water with it and the shower works and water runs down the slide.  We shall save the "real" features for spring ;)

B's big gift...the back half of his tractor!  He was a big confused but due to the flu for Eric's parents we had to do things a bit backwards.  He got socks, more books, more animals and more tractors in his stocking.

Joelle loved her new outfit and sunglasses for her OG doll!  Eric loved it too, apparently ;)

So blessed by my little family:)

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