Saturday, December 28, 2013

B’s Barn

A while before Christmas I commissioned my Dad to make Brecken a barn for Christmas.  Little did I know how hard that was going to be.  We scoured the internet for plans and couldn't find anything.  We even looked into buying plans and couldn't find anywhere that had THAT available.  So my Dad came up with his own plans.  He made 2 sides out of cardboard and asked me if that was what I was going for.  I said sure ;)

Due to power outages before Christmas and the wrong size hinge it wasn't quite done in time for Christmas Eve.  Brecken really didn't notice.  My parents brought it over for him and he was thrilled.  He finally understood why he got all the animals and tractors.

The side.

The only picture we could get of Brecken looking.  The top opens up so you get to the inside.  Dad made sliding doors on the front and Brecken can drive his tractors in and out of it.  There are little stalls in the barn for the animals and a hay loft.  Dad also made him some sweet fences that go with it and he's working on hay bales.

Little B loves his barn, as does everyone else, and they play with it allllll the time.

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