Saturday, December 28, 2013

And Then There Were 4...or 6.

Depending on if you are counting just the children.  Or the adults too :)

We announced to our parents at their Christmas parties with a onesie.  We sent postcards in the mail with the picture below on Tuesday.
We had this message on the back of the post card:: There is, in fact, ONE baby!  Confirmed by ultrasound on December 18.  Baby was moving around and looked great.  Momma's feeling pretty good too:)

We are so very excited for our first summer baby.  Eric put in the request for a summer baby and God listened loud and clear.  We had JUST started TALKING about having another baby and BAM we were pregnant.  Surprise :):)

And, yes, for those of you that need to know, this is the last.

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