Saturday, December 21, 2013

Smit Family Christmas

We had the Smit Christmas at our church.  Always a good time.  The Russell's were in charge of games and setting up this year.  This year we were given 10 minutes, a pair of (new) tights, some balloons and told to make the male of the family look like a reindeer.

One of my dad's horns must have been in the process of falling off...  Uncle Bob's may have been the most realistic.

Uncle Ken didn't get the memo that reindeer don't have bosom's.  He DID look quite hilarious.  And we can't forget Uncle Orval's VERY accurate portrayal of Rudolph.

All the bucks were getting in fights.  Apparently there were some ladies around to impress.

After the judging was complete, the balloon popping commenced.  Joelle was not a fan.  I ended up having to leave the room with her.

We came back to open presents from Oma.  Balloon popping was still going on..

We had a great time!  Sadly we missed taking our annual picture with Oma.  I'll have to snag a picture of her with the babies at a birthday party.

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