Wednesday, December 18, 2013

B and J::3 years

It's about time I got working on Brecken and Joelle's 3-year post!  1 1/2 months later..  Better late than never.  We rang in their birthday sick-free!  Last year they had HORRID colds and we had to cancel their party.  This year we celebrated in style.  It's pretty crazy that we went from 2 little 6lb babies to 3 year olds.  Don't blink.
-33lbs 6ozs, 68th percentile
-37.75inches, 51st percentile
- size 8 shoe
-3T clothes
-takes a 2 hour nap and sleeps 11-12 hours at night
-still sleeps with his blankie and a whole pile of stuffed animals
-are usually the first one up between you and Joelle
-potty trained day and night for a long time now
-stands at the toilet "like a big boy" and does remarkably well with it.  He likes to spit in it too.  He did not get that from me.
-knows a few colors.  When asked everything is blue or green or pink or purple.
-can count to 15
-can say the ABC's
-working on letter recognition
-working on shapes
-LOVES to be read too
-loves to color.  Working at staying in the lines.
-loves to play with his barn and playing downstairs.  He would also be outside all.the.time if I let him.  Too bad it's constantly -15.
-are so incredibly insanely whiny.  Drives me batty but we are working on it.
-LOVES to pray
-LOVES to help me cook in the kitchen.  Would clean up dishes and and unload the dishwasher for daaaaaaaaays.
-you are still our pickiest eater.  You can't stand cooked carrots but will eat them raw.  Runny soup is not your favorite thing.  You will gobble up salad, peas or broccoli so I shouldn't complain too loudly.
-you are also our slowest eater.  You get it from me.  You just take your time.
-love to play house with the girls.  And dogs.
-you HATE it when I ask you to go to the bathroom.  When we leave I always make everyone pee and it's always a huge fight with you.

Little Interview::
What's your name::Brecken
How old are you:: Free (Three)
What's your favorite color::Pink
Who is your best friend:: Charlie and you (pointing to Adelyn)
What is your favorite animal:: Monkeys
What do you want to do when you grow up:: I don't want to work. (We have high aspirations at the Fitzgerald's)
What is your favorite movie::Airplane movie! (Planes)
What is your favorite book:: Safari Animals
What makes you happy:: Monkey's do
What makes you sad:: Lions
What is your favorite food:: Scrambled Eggs
What is your favorite song::ABCDEFG song
What games do you like to play::All Fall Down (Joelle suggested Ring Around the Rosies.  He said no.  Then he said All Fall Down.  Ha.)


Adelyn at 3 years::


-33lbs 6oz, 91st percentile
-39.9in tall, 95th percentile  I can't even make that up.  Just round to 40.  Seriously.
-size 9 shoe
-3T-4T clothes
-you can dress yourself!!!
-2 hour nap and 11-12 hours at night.  You are always last up.
-LOVES to sleep with her blankie.  Her corner is permanently gray from rubbing it all the time.  Also sleeps with a large pile of stuffed animals.
-potty trained at 2 years 10 months.  Got rid of pull-ups shortly after that.  You took the longest to train but were, by far, the easiest.
-you think you are going to turn into a boy so you can stand up to pee.
-LOVES to read
-knows almost all of your colors
-knows quite a few shapes
-can sing the ABC's
-can count to 10
-are behind on your motor movements.  But, like Eric said when we were at the doctor, Brecken looks like a gymnast and then he makes you look like a complete klutz.
-we were concerned with your feet turning out when you run or walk fast.  The doctor said it wasn't concerning enough to warrant special shoes and that you would probably outgrow it.
-speak with the cutest little accent.  It's adorable.
-you make the funniest expressions when you talk.  It must be a girl thing in our family.
-are the sassiest individual EVER!  It's something we are constantly working on.  You are also the one who uses inappropriate words the most.  Once you hear something you think it's free game.  (stupid and poop being the worst).  We wash your mouth out with soap and you flip out.  You will just drool and drool.  So then you get to sit in your chair...and not drool.
-are also the most loving of our children.  You say "I love you" the most and give the most hugs and kisses.  You can be SO incredibly sweet.
-love to cuddle
-your favorite thing to do in the kitchen is empty the silverware out of the dishwasher.  You are excellent at it.
-you LOVE to eat.  We couldn't believe you weighed less than Adelyn did at your age.  You would eat all day long if I let you.  And absolutely anything.  Except chocolate.  And even some sweets.  I made puppy chow at Christmas and convinced you to eat a piece.  I even used more peanut butter and less chocolate.  You gagged and got the chills from it.
-LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to carry your baby dolls around.  You are SUPER excited to be a big sister.  Anytime a baby is around you want to sit there and help.
-being outside in the snow is not your favorite thing ever.  If Daddy takes the kids out, and you know I'm inside, guaranteed 15-20 minutes later you come inside and take your stuff off.

Little Interview::
What's your name::Jojo
How old are you:: Three
What's your favorite color:: Purple and Pink
Who is your best friend:: Adelyn
What is your favorite animal:: Kitty Cats
What do you want to do when you grow up:: Be big
What is your favorite movie::Pollyanna
What is your favorite book:: Saggy Baggy Elephant
What makes you happy:: Momma
What makes you sad:: Nuttin' makes me sad. (Ha. Ha. Ha.) ;)
What is your favorite food::Eggs and Toast
What is your favorite song::Spider web (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
What games do you like to play:: Ring Around the Rosies

This was completely unsolicited.  They both wrapped their arms around each other and cuddled up close.  Love them.

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