Thursday, December 5, 2013

She did what?!

We were at the mall shopping for some birthday presents and Christmas presents and Adelyn saw the ear piercing store.  She has been talking about it off and on for a while.  The only waiting factor was her.  I had told her it was going to hurt (like a shot-which she doesn't cry for), we would have to clean them and that she couldn't play with them.  She had said for the longest time she didn't want them done.  Then she started talking about it.  She asked to go while at the mall.  I made sure she was ready and said ok.  I didn't count on the wait time..

Waiting in the chair while Mommy signs all the paperwork..

Getting them cleaned..

Done!  She was soooooo excited!  And did not shed a tear ;)

What Brecken and Joelle did while we waited..  Eric is real proud of his boy.

I noticed, right away, one of them was crooked.  I didn't know whether or not to say something to Adelyn or just wait it out until the swelling went down.  I had Eric look when we got home and he said he could see what I meant but didn't think it was a big deal.  By that time the swelling was down.  All I could hear, in my head, was 12-15 year old Adelyn telling me how she couldn't believe I didn't take her earring out, that I left them crooked, now they can't be fixed, blah blah blah.  So I did end up talking to her about it.  I just flat out told her, you don't know right now but, when you are older, you would be really mad at mommy.  She understood and told me to take the offensive earring out.  I figured if I could get it out right away it would close right up.  I was right and a week later we went to get it re-pierced.  Don't even get me started on what a debacle that was (with the store..).  Adelyn did great and LOOOOOOOOOOVES her earrings.

A little side note::I cleaned them the first couple days.  And never did again.  Whoops.  If you go to an actual piercing shop all they tell you to clean it with is a little salt water anyways.  They never once got red or infected, at all.  She has been asking, since she got them pierced, when she got to put new ones in.  She thought she had to go back and get them pierced again for new ones.  I kept telling her she didn't have to do that ;)  We took her old ones out, today, and put her pink flower ones in :) :)

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