Friday, December 20, 2013

Rogalske Christmas

We went to my grandparents for my dad's side for Christmas. Also, the day my brother was due to arrive.  You can kind of see him in the background of this picture.  We all ate dinner while he finished the last hour trek of his journey here.  We waited for him to arrive before we opened gifts.

Adelyn helping pass out gifts.

I got quite a few pictures of the kids opening presents.  They all look the same ;)

I headed into the kitchen to grab a snack and saw this yummy treat in the bowl.  I started laughing hysterically.  My boy child has a terrible disdain for citrus flavored candy.  Lemon or lime anything and he spits it out.  So, naturally, he put it back in the bowl.  I did leave it there because I thought everyone else should get a kick out of it too.  My dad brought the bowl to me later and said "I think one of your children left something in here..."  Bahahahaha

Grandpa and Grandma Rogalske with the kids.  This is as good as it gets.  It was 10:00, I remembered at the last second and Brecken did NOT want to sit on anyone's lap.

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