Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fitz Christmas

Christmas with Eric's family got a little mixed up due to the flu.  Eric's dad came down it and it would've gotten too crazy to try and move everyone's schedules around.  We still got together with his brother's on Sunday and all decided to make plans to get together on our own with Eric's parents.  I had a huge ham all made up with all the fixings.

A, B and J all opening some gifts.

Everybody knows the way to Joelle's heart is to buy her a baby.

Kobe got a sweet Lego set ;)

Adelyn got a really cute hat and scarf set (along with an adorable outfit) from Uncle Steve and Auntie Carol.

We had Eric's parents over Christmas night.  We had a week of crazy plans and that was pretty much the only night that worked.  We opened presents and had a yummy ham/potato casserole.

B opening some puzzles.  We got lots of puzzles this year.  We loooove puzzles.

B opening the front half of his tractor;)  We had Eric's parents go in with us because it's not the cheapest thing ever.  We gave him half and they gave him half.  He is SUPER excited for summer so he can drive it.  We let him drive it around the house but it was a bit fast for our cramped space.

Joelle was sooo excited to get some of her own Calico Critter stuff and Adelyn was beyond thrilled that she FINALLY got her little hair chair.

Eric's parents opening their gift from us.  We got family pictures done in the fall so that was their real gift;)  Eric's mom got it right away.  His dad was a bit confused why they got this teeny tiny shirt.

After Mom explained he got it;)  They were very excited.

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