Sunday, December 15, 2013

B and J’s 3rd Birthday Party

We had to celebrate Brecken and Joelle's 3rd birthday in style.  Last year they had a horrible cold and we had to cancel their party.  Knock on wood, we haven't gotten sick yet.  Brecken wanted a train cake and Joelle wanted a Tangled cake.  She hasn't even seen the movie..

The start of B's train cake.  I did this during nap-time and had Eric assist me.  It's a good thing he did or we would have had some "attention to detail" issues.  He informed me what a RR track actually looks like.  I put parchment paper on top of my graham crackers because I had horrific visions of setting my cake on the graham's and it getting soggy and falling.

The finished product.  Eric had lots to say about my OCD lining up of the gummy bears.  None of which is internet appropriate.

The finished product of Joelle's Tangled cake.  I really had no idea how I was going to do it.  Then I decided to use her little doll and make a tower.  The tower base is made up of rice krispie treats and the top is a cone dipped in pink chocolate.

Cousins at the party;)

Crazy Kobe;)


Joelle got some princess stuff that she is obsessed with and they both received lots of kitchen items for their new store.

Joelle and the cute little baby she got.  She is in love with it.  Except she takes the baby out of the pea pod and then can't get it back in.  And then gets mad.  So that's fun.

Cakes again.

Lighting of the candles..

Doesn't Adelyn do a great job singing?!

And Brecken does a great job spitting.


He also thought it would be completely necessary to decorate his face with frosting.  Don't go cross-eyed there, little buddy.

Joelle doesn't do so well without a nap...she promptly fell asleep in all her cute princess glory.

So thankful for all our family members who were able to make the trip to celebrate with us.  We are blessed.

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