Wednesday, December 18, 2013

B and J’s Birthday Present

I was trying to think of good gifts for Brecken and Joelle that didn't involve toys.  December through February is an overwhelming amount of toys for us.  Adelyn usually ends up with books for her birthday.  Which is totally fine by her.  Anywho.  Our friends have a fun little store in the basement for their kids and I decided to commission Mark to build one in ours.  Birthday present=done.  I told him all he had to do was build it and I would do the rest.
This was the mess after he left.  It extended into the corner by the store (opposite corner) but I already vacuumed that up before I thought to take a picture.

The finished product!  It took me 6, I repeat 6, coats of paint to cover it.  In hindsight I would have primed it.  Oh well.  I also painted the picnic table to match.  It's always something I meant to do but never wanted too.  It was obnoxious red before.

We hung up some bars I had gotten at Ikea a year ago for all their pots and pans.

I also just realized all my pictures of the kids coming down in the morning and seeing it got deleted off my camera.  I am not a fan of how this computer imports pictures.  It does it in groups and if it thinks its already been imported, it doesn't select them.  Alas, I thought I had imported them and reformatted my memory card.  So no pictures of the kids.  Roar.  Regardless, they love their little store and spend LOTS of time playing in it.

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