Saturday, December 28, 2013

And Then There Were 4...or 6.

Depending on if you are counting just the children.  Or the adults too :)

We announced to our parents at their Christmas parties with a onesie.  We sent postcards in the mail with the picture below on Tuesday.
We had this message on the back of the post card:: There is, in fact, ONE baby!  Confirmed by ultrasound on December 18.  Baby was moving around and looked great.  Momma's feeling pretty good too:)

We are so very excited for our first summer baby.  Eric put in the request for a summer baby and God listened loud and clear.  We had JUST started TALKING about having another baby and BAM we were pregnant.  Surprise :):)

And, yes, for those of you that need to know, this is the last.

B’s Barn

A while before Christmas I commissioned my Dad to make Brecken a barn for Christmas.  Little did I know how hard that was going to be.  We scoured the internet for plans and couldn't find anything.  We even looked into buying plans and couldn't find anywhere that had THAT available.  So my Dad came up with his own plans.  He made 2 sides out of cardboard and asked me if that was what I was going for.  I said sure ;)

Due to power outages before Christmas and the wrong size hinge it wasn't quite done in time for Christmas Eve.  Brecken really didn't notice.  My parents brought it over for him and he was thrilled.  He finally understood why he got all the animals and tractors.

The side.

The only picture we could get of Brecken looking.  The top opens up so you get to the inside.  Dad made sliding doors on the front and Brecken can drive his tractors in and out of it.  There are little stalls in the barn for the animals and a hay loft.  Dad also made him some sweet fences that go with it and he's working on hay bales.

Little B loves his barn, as does everyone else, and they play with it allllll the time.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fitz Christmas

Christmas with Eric's family got a little mixed up due to the flu.  Eric's dad came down it and it would've gotten too crazy to try and move everyone's schedules around.  We still got together with his brother's on Sunday and all decided to make plans to get together on our own with Eric's parents.  I had a huge ham all made up with all the fixings.

A, B and J all opening some gifts.

Everybody knows the way to Joelle's heart is to buy her a baby.

Kobe got a sweet Lego set ;)

Adelyn got a really cute hat and scarf set (along with an adorable outfit) from Uncle Steve and Auntie Carol.

We had Eric's parents over Christmas night.  We had a week of crazy plans and that was pretty much the only night that worked.  We opened presents and had a yummy ham/potato casserole.

B opening some puzzles.  We got lots of puzzles this year.  We loooove puzzles.

B opening the front half of his tractor;)  We had Eric's parents go in with us because it's not the cheapest thing ever.  We gave him half and they gave him half.  He is SUPER excited for summer so he can drive it.  We let him drive it around the house but it was a bit fast for our cramped space.

Joelle was sooo excited to get some of her own Calico Critter stuff and Adelyn was beyond thrilled that she FINALLY got her little hair chair.

Eric's parents opening their gift from us.  We got family pictures done in the fall so that was their real gift;)  Eric's mom got it right away.  His dad was a bit confused why they got this teeny tiny shirt.

After Mom explained he got it;)  They were very excited.

Our Christmas

When we first started Christmas with the kids, we decided to do Christmas day just us.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Believe it or not our Christmas morning started with breakfast.  At 10:30.  I made cinnamon rolls, eggs, sausage and bacon.  I firmly believe in eating before the chaos of presents.  Over and out.

Isn't my husband hilarious?!

Cuties opening their first gifts.  Joelle got a baby doll and Brecken got some puzzles.  Notice I changed their pajamas, into their Christmas pajamas?!

I think Adelyn was exited about her princess story book...and her horse puzzle ;)

Brecken was loving the farm theme.  More animals and some tractors.

Adelyn's big easel!  She loves it.

Joelle got some fun playmobile things.  This one you can use real water with it and the shower works and water runs down the slide.  We shall save the "real" features for spring ;)

B's big gift...the back half of his tractor!  He was a big confused but due to the flu for Eric's parents we had to do things a bit backwards.  He got socks, more books, more animals and more tractors in his stocking.

Joelle loved her new outfit and sunglasses for her OG doll!  Eric loved it too, apparently ;)

So blessed by my little family:)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Papa and Nana::Christmas

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve, with my parents.  The advantages of being the first married.  I get to start the traditions.  Muahahaha.

Josh keeping it real.

Brecken and the onslaught of animals he received.  {He got the large portion of his gift a few days after Christmas.  Due to a power outage one day and a wrong part the next, it wasn't ready in time for Christmas}

Adelyn and her LeapReader.  I have been uber hesitant to get her anything electronic based.  I don't want her nose stuck in something silly for unlimited hours of the day.  I know I can limit it and use it for rewards and blah blah blah but, to me, it's just one more thing to fight/argue about and I want my children to do other non mind numbing activities with their time.  So we went with the LeapReader.  It doesn't do very many things except read you stories and let you practice the alphabet.  And she loves it.

Joelle's large gift was a bike!  She was ELATED.  Her hand-me-down blue one was too small by the end of summer.  This one is slightly too big (since we jumped her two sizes up) but it will be perfect come spring.  Oh, she was in love.

My mom always gets annoyed with me because I can never come up with good Christams gifts.  So this year I had to use some of Eric's Christmas money as well.  I'd say that's a good gift ;)  No worries, he benefits greatly...

**I enclosed a picture of my brother drinking so, in all fairness, I should enclose this one that he took of me.  It's real flattering, I know**

New stainless steel pots and pans!!!  Woo hoo!!!  Eric hates that the only pots and pans I was using were the $30 set I got at Target before we were married.  I didn't care....but these are MUCH nicer ;)  And I do, officially, love them.

Auntie got the kids sleeping bags.  B had to try it out.  And is "sleeping."

Eric's gift from my parents::his last golf club he needed to make his new set complete.  And, yes, my dad zip tied it to the box.  And Joelle is trying to fit IN the box.

AANNDD for our special little announcement!  We had told the kids earlier in the day and also told them they couldn't tell anyone.  I don't remember what Brecken was telling my mom here..


"A baby onesie!"  Hooray:):)

A great Christmas celebrating with my parents AND announcing our pregnancy!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Smit Family Christmas

We had the Smit Christmas at our church.  Always a good time.  The Russell's were in charge of games and setting up this year.  This year we were given 10 minutes, a pair of (new) tights, some balloons and told to make the male of the family look like a reindeer.

One of my dad's horns must have been in the process of falling off...  Uncle Bob's may have been the most realistic.

Uncle Ken didn't get the memo that reindeer don't have bosom's.  He DID look quite hilarious.  And we can't forget Uncle Orval's VERY accurate portrayal of Rudolph.

All the bucks were getting in fights.  Apparently there were some ladies around to impress.

After the judging was complete, the balloon popping commenced.  Joelle was not a fan.  I ended up having to leave the room with her.

We came back to open presents from Oma.  Balloon popping was still going on..

We had a great time!  Sadly we missed taking our annual picture with Oma.  I'll have to snag a picture of her with the babies at a birthday party.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Rogalske Christmas

We went to my grandparents for my dad's side for Christmas. Also, the day my brother was due to arrive.  You can kind of see him in the background of this picture.  We all ate dinner while he finished the last hour trek of his journey here.  We waited for him to arrive before we opened gifts.

Adelyn helping pass out gifts.

I got quite a few pictures of the kids opening presents.  They all look the same ;)

I headed into the kitchen to grab a snack and saw this yummy treat in the bowl.  I started laughing hysterically.  My boy child has a terrible disdain for citrus flavored candy.  Lemon or lime anything and he spits it out.  So, naturally, he put it back in the bowl.  I did leave it there because I thought everyone else should get a kick out of it too.  My dad brought the bowl to me later and said "I think one of your children left something in here..."  Bahahahaha

Grandpa and Grandma Rogalske with the kids.  This is as good as it gets.  It was 10:00, I remembered at the last second and Brecken did NOT want to sit on anyone's lap.