Iamagluttonforpunishment. I know.
always tells us when she poops. Lately, she's taken it to a new
level. Anytime she farts..or THINKS she has to poop, she will whine
about it and tell me about it until it actually happens. After a couple
days of this I got real sick of it. I put her in undies and said if
you want to complain about something, complain about potty-training.
Oohh boy. That girl is one stubborn individual. She loooves to sit on
the toilet. But she REFUSES to go on it.
put her in undies at 10:00 on Tuesday, brought her to the bathroom
every time she asked (which was every 5 seconds). We had books in the
bathroom, we sang songs, I told her I would dance if she peed.
Nothing. The second I start making lunch (around 12:00) she peed. And
she didn't pee a lot either. She made a little puddle and freaked out
about her mess. I cleaned it up. We made it to nap time. I put a
pull-up on her. Of course it was soaked. After nap, we continued our
tradition of sitting (but not peeing) on the toilet until supper time.
Cue the pee. I started making supper and she was playing trains. She
proceeded to pee down our furnace grate. Again, not a ton, just enough
for her to freak out about a "mess." She had one more minor accident
after dinner and that was that.
Wednesday. She was in undies from the moment she woke up. Which was
about 9. We went to the bathroom 345,293 times...no pee. Eric came
home at noon so I could run Brecken to the doctor. I think I had left
for 20 minutes when Eric sent me a text "She peed all over the floor." I
got two more of these texts, while at the doctors office. I got home
and Eric informed me "She is NOT ready." I said "who holds it for 3
hours, anyways?! How is that not ready?!" Alas, I couldn't take it.
She was refusing to go on the toilet and I hate cleaning urine up off
the floor. We tried for 24 hours.