Adelyn had her 9 month doctors appointment on Monday. Everything went really well and she is meeting all of her milestones. Shes slowed down a little on the growth chart:
28.5in long-75th percentile
19lbs 11oz-75th percentile
18.5in head circumference-97th percentile
Hallelujah her head is back on the charts!!! We are no longer setting records ;) (They never were worried about her head size, since big heads run on my side of the family.)
I am so happy that they didn't have a fit either when I refused the flu shots. She just said I have to let you know. That was awesome, I was prepared for the worst. So we escaped WITHOUT getting any shots! woot. woot. We go back February 3 and have to get all of her 1 year shots then...that will stink.
Mini-vacay next weekend for the Fitzgeralds! I am so excited and so ready :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
9 months
Baby Adelyn, today you are 9 months. It makes me sad how fast you are growing but yet each day you are doing new things. We have just gotten the all clear after 10 days of harrowing (more for me) illnesses. You had croup, bronchiolits and pneumonia. Yikes. You gained back all the weight you had lost while you were sick and I am VERY happy about that.
At 9 months you:
-are crawling everywhere!!! you have been for about 3 weeks.
-you pull to standing. and started that only a couple days after crawling.
-you eat practically everything. we still have yet to find something you DONT like.
-you wear a size 3 diaper.
-you are in mostly 9 month clothes but are starting to wear 12 months because you are so long and I hate it when your little ankles hang out in the freezing cold.
-you nurse 3 times a day.
-you love water.
-you take 2 naps a day. one at 10 and one at 3ish.
-you say mama and you know who it pertains too :)
-you still love Lakota. she always lays by you and you poke her eyes, pull her hair, pull her lips, yank her ears and she just stares at me, like "Mom are you really going to let that happen?"
-you weight 19lbs 12ozs and are 28 1/2 inches long.
You have your well baby doctors visit next week (no shots!!!) so we'll see how you measure on the charts then :)
At 9 months you:
-are crawling everywhere!!! you have been for about 3 weeks.
-you pull to standing. and started that only a couple days after crawling.
-you eat practically everything. we still have yet to find something you DONT like.
-you wear a size 3 diaper.
-you are in mostly 9 month clothes but are starting to wear 12 months because you are so long and I hate it when your little ankles hang out in the freezing cold.
-you nurse 3 times a day.
-you love water.
-you take 2 naps a day. one at 10 and one at 3ish.
-you say mama and you know who it pertains too :)
-you still love Lakota. she always lays by you and you poke her eyes, pull her hair, pull her lips, yank her ears and she just stares at me, like "Mom are you really going to let that happen?"
-you weight 19lbs 12ozs and are 28 1/2 inches long.
You have your well baby doctors visit next week (no shots!!!) so we'll see how you measure on the charts then :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I have discovered that just because it didn't put a little squiggly underneath the word doesn't mean that it isn't misspelled. Oops. Hopefully I fixed them all.
Those People
Well I can honestly say that we have officially been Those People. You know, the ones when you are in a restaurant that have the child who is arching her back in the high chair, flinging toys and making loud noises. Or the ones who are in the store and as soon as the stroller stops moving the child starts sobbing. Yes, Those People. We went to 84 East and the first happened. Yesterday I went to Children's Place and the second happened. Neither time was nap time. At Children's Place I was even shopping for YOU. Most definitely not me. I must say though, while we were at the Children's Place we weren't THOSE PEOPLE. The ones who have the child that is flailing her arms, screaming and knocking things off the racks. If I ever am on my way to becoming THOSE PEOPLE I sure hope I leave before it gets to that point.
While I was at the mall I was hoping to shop for myself. I desperately need some long sleeve shirts, probably because I keep wearing the same thing and we all know how warm it's been here lately. Alas, I decided I didn't need long sleeve shirts bad enough to become THOSE PEOPLE.
While I was at the mall I was hoping to shop for myself. I desperately need some long sleeve shirts, probably because I keep wearing the same thing and we all know how warm it's been here lately. Alas, I decided I didn't need long sleeve shirts bad enough to become THOSE PEOPLE.
*Sniff*7 Months Old*Sniff*
Adelyn, Adelyn J, Miss Adelyn, Addy, A, Goose, Gossey, Baby Adelyn. Those are our terms of endearment for you so far. Of course honey, sweetie and all of those can be added to the mix too :)
-You nurse 3 times a day, eat meals 3 times a day and take 2 naps.
-You are sitting exclusively. For long periods.
-You will rock back and forth on your hands and knees.
-You LOVE water. LOVE.
-You are in 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 3 diaper.
-Wave good-bye. Or hello. Either way.
-I still cannot find anything you do not like. Hopefully the trend continues.
-You nurse 3 times a day, eat meals 3 times a day and take 2 naps.
-You are sitting exclusively. For long periods.
-You will rock back and forth on your hands and knees.
-You LOVE water. LOVE.
-You are in 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 3 diaper.
-Wave good-bye. Or hello. Either way.
-I still cannot find anything you do not like. Hopefully the trend continues.
-You can now blow raspberries. I was all concerned because you weren't doing this and I had been reading other babies do it much earlier. Little did I know if I just did it at you a couple days in a row, you would do it ;) Your dad wasn't very impressed. He seemed to think it wasn't developmentally important. Silly mommy, thinking blowing raspberries is important.
-STILL have not had a drop of formula. Or canned baby food. Go me. Your daddy helped me make baby food the other night. We made enough for almost a month. After we were done he said (and I quote) "I don't know how you do it."
-You LOVE your blanket. Or hot pad. Depends on which parent you ask ;) You heard it here first WILL NOT leave your crib. Unless if we go on vacation. It then comes with for your pack n play.
-Have graduated to the Recaro Como in Pink. You love it. You were 4 lbs and 3 inches away from outgrowing your other seat but you do enjoy this seat so much more because you sit up.
-Still have not gotten your first teeth. I don't even look anymore. I figure I'll know once you bite me. I'm looking forward to it.
I love you baby girl!
-You can now blow raspberries. I was all concerned because you weren't doing this and I had been reading other babies do it much earlier. Little did I know if I just did it at you a couple days in a row, you would do it ;) Your dad wasn't very impressed. He seemed to think it wasn't developmentally important. Silly mommy, thinking blowing raspberries is important.
-STILL have not had a drop of formula. Or canned baby food. Go me. Your daddy helped me make baby food the other night. We made enough for almost a month. After we were done he said (and I quote) "I don't know how you do it."
-You LOVE your blanket. Or hot pad. Depends on which parent you ask ;) You heard it here first WILL NOT leave your crib. Unless if we go on vacation. It then comes with for your pack n play.
-Have graduated to the Recaro Como in Pink. You love it. You were 4 lbs and 3 inches away from outgrowing your other seat but you do enjoy this seat so much more because you sit up.
-Still have not gotten your first teeth. I don't even look anymore. I figure I'll know once you bite me. I'm looking forward to it.
I love you baby girl!
6 Month Pics-Quite possibly my favorite :)
The talented lady who takes our pictures is Tammi Dryden: more than words photography. The reason the are, quite possibly, my favorite is because A is becoming so expressive and is always pulling a different face. She now smiles incredibly easily compared to when we had her last pictures done, at three months. We also got some incredible shots of her and Daddy!
*Since blogger isn't letting me publish pictures I will do that at a later time.
*Since blogger isn't letting me publish pictures I will do that at a later time.
Schedules, Schedules, Schedules
0-3 Month Schedule:
eat, sleep, poop, pee. Ok so the first month or two you were on that schedule. Then you decided you like the every 3 hour schedule. I fed you basically at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7. You napped between each feeding and slept for 12 hours, starting at 9 weeks.
3-6 month and 3 weeks Schedule:
You decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse every 4 hours. I fed you at 7, 11, 3 and 7. At 4 months we introduced solids starting with a supper around 4:30 each night. At 5 months we started breakfast around 8. During that time frame you were taking 3 naps around 9, 1 and 4. Your 4 o'clock nap was incredibly short, 15-30 minutes. I know "the books" don't call that a real nap but believe me you needed it.
6 month and 3 weeks-Present Schedule:
You, once again, decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse only 3 times. You decided to, all of a sudden, take super long naps-for you-and it was becoming very inconvenient-for me-to nurse you 4 times and feed you twice. Soooo we devised the "new schedule." I nurse you at 7, 1 and 7 and feed you at 8, 12 and 4:30. Your lunch now consists of chopped fruits/veggies, not mashed, and you do extremely well with it. You now nap at 10 and 3 and each nap is at least an hour if not between 1 hour and 2 hours. You still go to bed at approximately 7:15 and you proceed to sleep until 7 the next morning. woot. woot.
I am quite thrilled at you naturally weaning yourself. I just didn't think the process would start so early. It is exactly how I want it to go and hopefully you continue to do so.
eat, sleep, poop, pee. Ok so the first month or two you were on that schedule. Then you decided you like the every 3 hour schedule. I fed you basically at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7. You napped between each feeding and slept for 12 hours, starting at 9 weeks.
3-6 month and 3 weeks Schedule:
You decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse every 4 hours. I fed you at 7, 11, 3 and 7. At 4 months we introduced solids starting with a supper around 4:30 each night. At 5 months we started breakfast around 8. During that time frame you were taking 3 naps around 9, 1 and 4. Your 4 o'clock nap was incredibly short, 15-30 minutes. I know "the books" don't call that a real nap but believe me you needed it.
6 month and 3 weeks-Present Schedule:
You, once again, decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse only 3 times. You decided to, all of a sudden, take super long naps-for you-and it was becoming very inconvenient-for me-to nurse you 4 times and feed you twice. Soooo we devised the "new schedule." I nurse you at 7, 1 and 7 and feed you at 8, 12 and 4:30. Your lunch now consists of chopped fruits/veggies, not mashed, and you do extremely well with it. You now nap at 10 and 3 and each nap is at least an hour if not between 1 hour and 2 hours. You still go to bed at approximately 7:15 and you proceed to sleep until 7 the next morning. woot. woot.
I am quite thrilled at you naturally weaning yourself. I just didn't think the process would start so early. It is exactly how I want it to go and hopefully you continue to do so.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Adventures Of A Cow
Who is a cow you ask? Why me, I am a cow. Didn't you know? I am probably between 1/4 and 1/2 cow. Let me tell you why.
-I am white with brown/black spots (moles), like MOST cows
-I have 2 of the 4 udders that cows have. Do they have udders or is that just the name of the whole thing that hangs down there?? Or are they nipples?? Hmm...I'll have to ask a farmer. Maybe next time I go to the Critter Barn they can tell me.
-I have hair
-I can say Moo...although I have found that when you do that in public people look at you weird. So, needless to say, I try to refrain from doing that
-Sometimes I think I live in a barn. Shoot, sometimes it even smells like I live in a barn
-I produce milk
-I get milked 5 times a day. 4 from Adelyn and once, on one side, from Mr. Milker
That's about where the similarities end. There could be 1 or 2 more but we'll leave those out.
Why this post you ask??
In the morning Adelyn only nurses on one side so naturally I pump the other. I get 6-8 ounces every morning. Since I am quite anti-bottle Adelyn doesn't use much of my stock pile. I came to the realization that I will definitely not be using all of it. So when I noticed a post one day, on one of the other blogs I read, that you can donate to the Milk Bank (kinda weird, mostly cool) I started looking into it. I found out that there is a Milk Bank in Kalamazoo and I looked at their website. I was reading along and discovered that they were non-profit (I wasn't going to give my liquid gold to them so they could sell it to the highest bidder), they used the milk for babies in the NICU and for mothers who don't produce enough. I thought it all sounded good and then I read that they need a commitment of 100 ounces. I kinda gulped at does sound like a lot. So I went outside to our freezer and started counting (for the record: all the bags out there are 8 ounce bags, so I figured I needed about 13 to make 100 ounces). 1,2...13,14...20,21...and that was just the first row of the ones I could see. Ok so I definitely have more than enough to spare for the milk bank. I called them up, did a little phone interview and they sent me my stuff.
Now fast forward to today.
I went to the hospital to get my blood drawn. For some funny reason they have to make sure I am not chock full of HIV and Syphilis. Then I had to take my blood, in tubes of course, in a box to get mailed to them. I thought that the UPS store on Waverly and Chicago Drive was still open. I was wrong. I then had to drive all the way over to Butternut and James. With a baby who needed a nap. I didn't want to miss this baby's nap, in her own bed. So I wasn't to thrilled to have to gallivant over to the North side.
That is the adventures of a Cow.

The outside freezer. Like I said, I am part cow.
-I am white with brown/black spots (moles), like MOST cows
-I have 2 of the 4 udders that cows have. Do they have udders or is that just the name of the whole thing that hangs down there?? Or are they nipples?? Hmm...I'll have to ask a farmer. Maybe next time I go to the Critter Barn they can tell me.
-I have hair
-I can say Moo...although I have found that when you do that in public people look at you weird. So, needless to say, I try to refrain from doing that
-Sometimes I think I live in a barn. Shoot, sometimes it even smells like I live in a barn
-I produce milk
-I get milked 5 times a day. 4 from Adelyn and once, on one side, from Mr. Milker
That's about where the similarities end. There could be 1 or 2 more but we'll leave those out.
Why this post you ask??
In the morning Adelyn only nurses on one side so naturally I pump the other. I get 6-8 ounces every morning. Since I am quite anti-bottle Adelyn doesn't use much of my stock pile. I came to the realization that I will definitely not be using all of it. So when I noticed a post one day, on one of the other blogs I read, that you can donate to the Milk Bank (kinda weird, mostly cool) I started looking into it. I found out that there is a Milk Bank in Kalamazoo and I looked at their website. I was reading along and discovered that they were non-profit (I wasn't going to give my liquid gold to them so they could sell it to the highest bidder), they used the milk for babies in the NICU and for mothers who don't produce enough. I thought it all sounded good and then I read that they need a commitment of 100 ounces. I kinda gulped at does sound like a lot. So I went outside to our freezer and started counting (for the record: all the bags out there are 8 ounce bags, so I figured I needed about 13 to make 100 ounces). 1,2...13,14...20,21...and that was just the first row of the ones I could see. Ok so I definitely have more than enough to spare for the milk bank. I called them up, did a little phone interview and they sent me my stuff.
Now fast forward to today.
I went to the hospital to get my blood drawn. For some funny reason they have to make sure I am not chock full of HIV and Syphilis. Then I had to take my blood, in tubes of course, in a box to get mailed to them. I thought that the UPS store on Waverly and Chicago Drive was still open. I was wrong. I then had to drive all the way over to Butternut and James. With a baby who needed a nap. I didn't want to miss this baby's nap, in her own bed. So I wasn't to thrilled to have to gallivant over to the North side.
That is the adventures of a Cow.

The inside freezer. This is about 100 ounces so now just imagine how much is really in the outside freezer.

The outside freezer. Like I said, I am part cow.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Two things:
1. I was re-reading the blog-aren't you supposed to do that before you publish? oh well.-and I noticed that your head circumference is in inches(which is what the doctor wrote down on my paper). And that it is almost (ok 8 inches shy) of being as long, if we were to lay it out-which we won't, as your body. Is that right?! I think maybe its supposed to be in centimeters but maybe that's just me not knowing. Hmm..
2. I published you in the blueberry patch twice. Oh well. I like the one from today better, the comment is more entertaining.
FYI: I didn't intentionally scratch your leg (not that anyone would be thinking that) and you didn't even notice. I noticed when we got home.
1. I was re-reading the blog-aren't you supposed to do that before you publish? oh well.-and I noticed that your head circumference is in inches(which is what the doctor wrote down on my paper). And that it is almost (ok 8 inches shy) of being as long, if we were to lay it out-which we won't, as your body. Is that right?! I think maybe its supposed to be in centimeters but maybe that's just me not knowing. Hmm..
2. I published you in the blueberry patch twice. Oh well. I like the one from today better, the comment is more entertaining.
FYI: I didn't intentionally scratch your leg (not that anyone would be thinking that) and you didn't even notice. I noticed when we got home.
6 Month Dr. Visit
You just had your 6th month visit and your current stats are:
weight: 18lbs 5oz, almost 90th percentile
height: 26 3/4in, 75th percentile
head circumference: 17.95in, OFF THE CHARTS
You had a large noggin in-utero as well, so that's nothing new :) Dr. Lund says that you are getting your bottom two teeth-your gums are "thinning out." Whatever that means. But it would most definitely explain your crabbiness for the past couple days. She also said we could begin YoBaby and we have! Your current foods that you eat are:
-all the baby cereals, rice, oat and barley
-sweet potatoes
-acorn squash
-Gerber puffs
That's in order of appearance and you love every single one of them! :)
You are loving that you can sit now and every day it gets a little longer (you don't really love the falling over part of sitting...but who would). We had your 6th month pics taken and I can not wait until we get them...they will be sooooo cute! We are going camping again next week so hopefully you do as well as you did on our last camping trip. We enrolled you in swimming lessons and those begin in September. Mommy is very excited about them and you are sure to love them!!!
Daddy's job is very frustrating right now for everyone (except you:) ). He had gone 8 months of not working 40 hours. This week is the first week he has worked 40 hours since you have been born, due only to inventory, because the Walkers want EVERYTHING counted. We are hoping to know tomorrow if he has a job and how much he will be getting paid. We were supposed to know yesterday but here's to hoping for tomorrow! We were also supposed to know July 3rd...I think I'll leave it at that.
BUT if there is one thing that God has taught us during this 8 month trial (which is hopefully ending) it is how to live frugally and not spend so much money. Go us.
We took you blueberry picking on one of Daddy's voluntary mandatory days off. I may or may not have scratched your leg on a blueberry bush.
Family Photo-You are pulling one of your many faces :)
Last but not least I didn't post any of the pictures that we got taken in June. They are of our baby and 2 friends babies. Adelyn was 5 months, Will 11 months and Chloe was 8 months.
Did I mention I LOVE Will's faces! He has the greatest expressions! I hope A is as expressive as he is!
The two cutest girls ever! =)
Mm hmm. Couldn't you just eat them up!?
They are so precious.
weight: 18lbs 5oz, almost 90th percentile
height: 26 3/4in, 75th percentile
head circumference: 17.95in, OFF THE CHARTS
You had a large noggin in-utero as well, so that's nothing new :) Dr. Lund says that you are getting your bottom two teeth-your gums are "thinning out." Whatever that means. But it would most definitely explain your crabbiness for the past couple days. She also said we could begin YoBaby and we have! Your current foods that you eat are:
-all the baby cereals, rice, oat and barley
-sweet potatoes
-acorn squash
-Gerber puffs
That's in order of appearance and you love every single one of them! :)
You are loving that you can sit now and every day it gets a little longer (you don't really love the falling over part of sitting...but who would). We had your 6th month pics taken and I can not wait until we get them...they will be sooooo cute! We are going camping again next week so hopefully you do as well as you did on our last camping trip. We enrolled you in swimming lessons and those begin in September. Mommy is very excited about them and you are sure to love them!!!
Daddy's job is very frustrating right now for everyone (except you:) ). He had gone 8 months of not working 40 hours. This week is the first week he has worked 40 hours since you have been born, due only to inventory, because the Walkers want EVERYTHING counted. We are hoping to know tomorrow if he has a job and how much he will be getting paid. We were supposed to know yesterday but here's to hoping for tomorrow! We were also supposed to know July 3rd...I think I'll leave it at that.
BUT if there is one thing that God has taught us during this 8 month trial (which is hopefully ending) it is how to live frugally and not spend so much money. Go us.

Last but not least I didn't post any of the pictures that we got taken in June. They are of our baby and 2 friends babies. Adelyn was 5 months, Will 11 months and Chloe was 8 months.

They are so precious.
Monday, August 3, 2009
6 Months old!!!
Adelyn you have now celebrated your half birthday and you are getting so big :) You grow like a little weed and you do new things every day.
Some of your latest tricks:
-you can sit up by yourself-you have been for about 3 weeks now
-you just started saying understandable things. you'll say da da da but you still don't know who that is for :)
-you nurse at 7, 11, 3 and 7
-you eat solids at 8 and 4:30. you LOVE food
-you nap at 9:15 and 1:15. sometimes you still have to take a 15 minute catnap at 4:15.
-you sleep from 7 to 7
-you have mastered putting yourself to sleep. i now nurse you downstairs, bring you upstairs, read a book, sing jesus loves me and by the end of those two things you are itching for your bed. i lay you in your bed and you immediately roll onto your side or completely over onto your belly.
-you now do laps around your crib and sometimes you talk yourself to sleep
-you like to rock back and forth in your high chair because it rolls on the floor when you do that
-you got over your second cold about 2 weeks ago
-you have officially been camping. in a tent. we will be going again in 2 weeks to silver lake :)
-you are still, and getting worse, completely 100% a mama's girl
-you hate bottles. if you had your way im sure you would be on the boob forever. ok maybe not forever but for a LONG time. lucky for us my cutoff is a year
-you have one more new GIRL friend. Kaylee Grace Lampen graced us with her presence July 28. She weighted 7lbs 11ozs and was 20 inches long. sound familiar?? well thats because you were the same!
-you love Lakota. you could just laugh and laugh at her
-you weigh approximately 18lbs
-i have just started using some of your 9 month clothes
-you were a size 3 diaper
-you have graduated to the 6 month and up paci
-you are starting to reach for me

Some of your latest tricks:
-you can sit up by yourself-you have been for about 3 weeks now
-you just started saying understandable things. you'll say da da da but you still don't know who that is for :)
-you nurse at 7, 11, 3 and 7
-you eat solids at 8 and 4:30. you LOVE food
-you nap at 9:15 and 1:15. sometimes you still have to take a 15 minute catnap at 4:15.
-you sleep from 7 to 7
-you have mastered putting yourself to sleep. i now nurse you downstairs, bring you upstairs, read a book, sing jesus loves me and by the end of those two things you are itching for your bed. i lay you in your bed and you immediately roll onto your side or completely over onto your belly.
-you now do laps around your crib and sometimes you talk yourself to sleep
-you like to rock back and forth in your high chair because it rolls on the floor when you do that
-you got over your second cold about 2 weeks ago
-you have officially been camping. in a tent. we will be going again in 2 weeks to silver lake :)
-you are still, and getting worse, completely 100% a mama's girl
-you hate bottles. if you had your way im sure you would be on the boob forever. ok maybe not forever but for a LONG time. lucky for us my cutoff is a year
-you have one more new GIRL friend. Kaylee Grace Lampen graced us with her presence July 28. She weighted 7lbs 11ozs and was 20 inches long. sound familiar?? well thats because you were the same!
-you love Lakota. you could just laugh and laugh at her
-you weigh approximately 18lbs
-i have just started using some of your 9 month clothes
-you were a size 3 diaper
-you have graduated to the 6 month and up paci
-you are starting to reach for me

You made Daddy pancakes for Fathers day :)

Your new friend, Baby Kaylee. She has crazy tons of hair!

Your adventures in the blueberry patch
Monday, July 6, 2009
As of your 5 month birthday:
-you officially laugh. You used to do just a ha! when you thought something was funny. Now it's official laughter. =)
-you grab your toes. You have tried for so long to get them and now you finally have!
As of yesterday you started trying to roll back-front. You are so close! You just need to swing your legs a little bit farther...
-you officially laugh. You used to do just a ha! when you thought something was funny. Now it's official laughter. =)
-you grab your toes. You have tried for so long to get them and now you finally have!
As of yesterday you started trying to roll back-front. You are so close! You just need to swing your legs a little bit farther...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
5 Months Old
Miss Adelyn is 5 months old today!? I find that completely and utterly insane. She is growing way to fast and I can't believe she is so big already. Everybody who sees her can't believe she is only 5 months old. They always say she is so alert and always taking everything in.
-You LOVE food. We can't seem to find anything that you don't like.
-You are grabbing everything AND chewing everything.
-If I lay you on your belly on the wood floor you will roll right over but if you are on the carpet you are content just to lay there and chew on toys.
-You are completely 100% a mama's girl. I love it most times but when I leave you with somebody and they put you to bed and I find out you just wailed it breaks my heart.
-You smile at everybody.
-You love to talk. Every once in a while you will wake up in the middle of the night and just talk away. It sounds like a pterodactyl over the monitor.
-You sleep from 7-7 and you take 2 sometimes 3 naps a day. The first two are generally 45 minutes and the last one is half an hour'ish.
-I finally took the head piece out of your car seat. I think you like it a lot better.
-You LOVE LOVE LOVE to stand. We have a jumperoo from Uncle Scott and Aunt Melissa and you could jump in there for hours. OK usually half an hour is your max.
-You love to be outside. Mommy wants to get you a kiddie pool for the deck so we can "lay out" this summer. I'll work on my tan. You can work on, well, being a ghost.
-You love to "swim". We have taken you swimming twice and both times you just love it. You also love to kick in your bath.
-You are such a trooper. As I write this you are going on day two at the hospital. You are entertaining everyone in Papa's room after his surgery.
-You love Kota Bear. Every time you see her you just smile away...we wonder what you think when you look at her ;)
-You are in 6 month clothes. You have some 3 month ones that fit still but those are ones that were big to begin with.
-You rarely cry. When you do you either want to eat or sleep. Or you want your mama.
-I never knew so much poop could come out of one so little. Yet you cease to amaze me every day.
-You have not had one drop of formula yet. A fact I am entirely proud of. You are not a big fan of bottles.
-You are so EXCITED for Baby Lampen to get here. Just 2 more weeks, hopefully.
4 month stats:
height: 25 inches, 75th percentile
weight: 15 lbs 2 ozs, 75th percentile
head circumference: 90-95th percentile, you get your large noggin from the Rogalske side
You are about 16lbs at 5months.
We got these pictures done a couple days ago at the Holland State park.
These are your current baby friends right now. In 2 more weeks you will have another girl friend and in November you will have yet ANOTHER girl friend.
Courtesy of Tammi Dryden-more than words photography: she is AWESOME.

-You LOVE food. We can't seem to find anything that you don't like.
-You are grabbing everything AND chewing everything.
-If I lay you on your belly on the wood floor you will roll right over but if you are on the carpet you are content just to lay there and chew on toys.
-You are completely 100% a mama's girl. I love it most times but when I leave you with somebody and they put you to bed and I find out you just wailed it breaks my heart.
-You smile at everybody.
-You love to talk. Every once in a while you will wake up in the middle of the night and just talk away. It sounds like a pterodactyl over the monitor.
-You sleep from 7-7 and you take 2 sometimes 3 naps a day. The first two are generally 45 minutes and the last one is half an hour'ish.
-I finally took the head piece out of your car seat. I think you like it a lot better.
-You LOVE LOVE LOVE to stand. We have a jumperoo from Uncle Scott and Aunt Melissa and you could jump in there for hours. OK usually half an hour is your max.
-You love to be outside. Mommy wants to get you a kiddie pool for the deck so we can "lay out" this summer. I'll work on my tan. You can work on, well, being a ghost.
-You love to "swim". We have taken you swimming twice and both times you just love it. You also love to kick in your bath.
-You are such a trooper. As I write this you are going on day two at the hospital. You are entertaining everyone in Papa's room after his surgery.
-You love Kota Bear. Every time you see her you just smile away...we wonder what you think when you look at her ;)
-You are in 6 month clothes. You have some 3 month ones that fit still but those are ones that were big to begin with.
-You rarely cry. When you do you either want to eat or sleep. Or you want your mama.
-I never knew so much poop could come out of one so little. Yet you cease to amaze me every day.
-You have not had one drop of formula yet. A fact I am entirely proud of. You are not a big fan of bottles.
-You are so EXCITED for Baby Lampen to get here. Just 2 more weeks, hopefully.
4 month stats:
height: 25 inches, 75th percentile
weight: 15 lbs 2 ozs, 75th percentile
head circumference: 90-95th percentile, you get your large noggin from the Rogalske side
You are about 16lbs at 5months.
We got these pictures done a couple days ago at the Holland State park.
These are your current baby friends right now. In 2 more weeks you will have another girl friend and in November you will have yet ANOTHER girl friend.
Courtesy of Tammi Dryden-more than words photography: she is AWESOME.

Adelyn-you are a beast
Adelyn-you are a beast

You are too precious. I LOVE your swimsuit =)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Blogging Hiatus
I have been terrible at keeping up on our blog :( I am going to start doing a better job since I would love to make this blog a book someday!
We have been really busy in the Fitzgerald household and have quite a few new developments! Adelyn is growing like a weed and she is keeping us busy. We have started solid foods and she LOVES it. That girl likes everything. We keep waiting to find something she doesn't like but we haven't been able to find that yet. We have done rice cereal, sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans, bananas, squash and apples. I have also started doing breakfast with her and for that I mash up a banana and mix it with cereal and a little breast milk. I've also been mashing most of her foods with a fork so they are kinda chunky and that doesn't faze her either. She is so laid back!
Eric's has been working 24 hours a week since the beginning of May and now the company is potentially being bought by a Korean company, GNS. We will know at the end of this week if they are purchasing the company or not. If they don't purchase the company Eric, and everybody else at his work, will be out of a job. IF that's the case, then Eric is thinking about going back to school for his Masters in Business.
I have been keeping busy with Adelyn and I have recently, over the past 2 weeks, started running!! I am really excited about this new venture since I haven't been able to run in the past due to a bum knee and asthma. In order to keep either of them from flaring up I have been taking it slow and alternating running and walking during my 2.5 mile "run." I am excited to get my body back and look like I don't have an inner tube around my stomach anymore. I have 3 lbs before I am pre-pregnancy weight but then I would also like to lose another 10 before I would be really happy. Then I would be at what I was when we went to Mexico. I would probably do a happy dance. OK not probably I would be dancing for days.
We had Adelyn's baptism this past Sunday and she did really well, no crying :) We had a lunch over at our house afterwards and had 30 people over! WOW. It turned out to be a really nice day and people could eat outside as well as inside. We got a 6 ft sub from Subway, my mom made cheesy potatoes and strawberry shortcake, a fruit salad, chips and dip and cupcakes. YUM! We didn't have millions of leftovers either, which we thought we would.

We have been really busy in the Fitzgerald household and have quite a few new developments! Adelyn is growing like a weed and she is keeping us busy. We have started solid foods and she LOVES it. That girl likes everything. We keep waiting to find something she doesn't like but we haven't been able to find that yet. We have done rice cereal, sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans, bananas, squash and apples. I have also started doing breakfast with her and for that I mash up a banana and mix it with cereal and a little breast milk. I've also been mashing most of her foods with a fork so they are kinda chunky and that doesn't faze her either. She is so laid back!
Eric's has been working 24 hours a week since the beginning of May and now the company is potentially being bought by a Korean company, GNS. We will know at the end of this week if they are purchasing the company or not. If they don't purchase the company Eric, and everybody else at his work, will be out of a job. IF that's the case, then Eric is thinking about going back to school for his Masters in Business.
I have been keeping busy with Adelyn and I have recently, over the past 2 weeks, started running!! I am really excited about this new venture since I haven't been able to run in the past due to a bum knee and asthma. In order to keep either of them from flaring up I have been taking it slow and alternating running and walking during my 2.5 mile "run." I am excited to get my body back and look like I don't have an inner tube around my stomach anymore. I have 3 lbs before I am pre-pregnancy weight but then I would also like to lose another 10 before I would be really happy. Then I would be at what I was when we went to Mexico. I would probably do a happy dance. OK not probably I would be dancing for days.
We had Adelyn's baptism this past Sunday and she did really well, no crying :) We had a lunch over at our house afterwards and had 30 people over! WOW. It turned out to be a really nice day and people could eat outside as well as inside. We got a 6 ft sub from Subway, my mom made cheesy potatoes and strawberry shortcake, a fruit salad, chips and dip and cupcakes. YUM! We didn't have millions of leftovers either, which we thought we would.

Pretty girl in her pretty dress

Daddy and A
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day-Explosions-Mackinac
My first Mother's Day was great :) We went to the early service for church and then after that we went to the mall (it was closed), Meijer and finally Target to find a mother's day gift for my mom (sorry mom-last minute i know). We got her a purse and a wallet-much needed let me tell you. Her old one was falling apart at the seams ;) After that we went to my Grandma and Grandpa Smit's house-they are just back from Florida and this was their first time seeing Baby A. As you can see Grandma Lily is quite proud =)

Grandma Lily made us a most fabulous meal of roast, beans, peas, carrots, rolls, jello salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, applesauce and last but not least strawberry pie-it's true we ate like kings! It was delicious and I definitely had 3 1/2 rolls.
After that we headed over to visit with Eric's parents. On Tuesday of this past week we blessed them with new landscaping and manual labor. We put bark down all around the house and moved a bunch of plants around. They loved it!
Yesterday the DeBoer's kindly invited us over. We try to get together with them about once a month. Lindsey made us a delicious Lasagna and I brought dessert, a Brown Sugar Spice Cake-yum! We were sitting down at the table enjoying our yummy lasagna when Adelyn's face turned a bright red and...

May 1-3 we went to Mackinac Island. It was our first time staying on the island, we stayed at the Lakeview Hotel and had a blast! We went with 3 other couples and all their kiddies :) We somehow convinced the hotel (I still don't know how we lucked out) to give us the master suite for the same price as the shoebox rooms. Seriously it was huge! The only complaint was that we were right across from the elevator and the water pressure in the shower was seriously to be desired. eh tradeoffs. Adelyn was once again a trooper while we traveled-I tell you what shes going to be a seasoned traveler by the time shes 1! We had lots of fun walking around, swimming, eating fudge, drinking coffee, riding on the ferry, playing with friends etc.
Family pic on the ferry ride over to the island-yes I know my daughter's belly is showing-that's terrible.

This is four generations: my mom, Grandma Lily, myself and Adelyn.

Grandma Lily made us a most fabulous meal of roast, beans, peas, carrots, rolls, jello salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, applesauce and last but not least strawberry pie-it's true we ate like kings! It was delicious and I definitely had 3 1/2 rolls.
After that we headed over to visit with Eric's parents. On Tuesday of this past week we blessed them with new landscaping and manual labor. We put bark down all around the house and moved a bunch of plants around. They loved it!
Yesterday the DeBoer's kindly invited us over. We try to get together with them about once a month. Lindsey made us a delicious Lasagna and I brought dessert, a Brown Sugar Spice Cake-yum! We were sitting down at the table enjoying our yummy lasagna when Adelyn's face turned a bright red and...

this was the result...SICK!
I cannot believe the amount of poo that comes out of one so small. As noticed by all my poo pictures it never ceases to amaze me and I think it needs to be documented.May 1-3 we went to Mackinac Island. It was our first time staying on the island, we stayed at the Lakeview Hotel and had a blast! We went with 3 other couples and all their kiddies :) We somehow convinced the hotel (I still don't know how we lucked out) to give us the master suite for the same price as the shoebox rooms. Seriously it was huge! The only complaint was that we were right across from the elevator and the water pressure in the shower was seriously to be desired. eh tradeoffs. Adelyn was once again a trooper while we traveled-I tell you what shes going to be a seasoned traveler by the time shes 1! We had lots of fun walking around, swimming, eating fudge, drinking coffee, riding on the ferry, playing with friends etc.

Adelyn did a lot of this on vacation-she is a great sleeper!

Swimming! A loved it =)

My two most favorite people and the cutest picture ever!

Adelyn and I in front of the fort-I look cheesy I know.

My two most favorite people and the cutest picture ever!

Adelyn and I in front of the fort-I look cheesy I know.
And last but not least-this picture was taken today:

Eric somehow thinks this is an acceptable form of entertainment-whatever, she's happy, he's happy, mama's happy, everyone's happy ;)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not Me Monday's...
Actually "Not Me Tuesday" is more like it. Before I begin maybe I better explain. There is another blog I read, MckMama, who occasionally does Not Me Monday's. She will blog about her Monday, in not me form and readers will leave comments about their Not Me Monday's.
While you read this keep in mind that Eric and I performed 8 hours of MANUAL labor in the yard yesterday. So while he got to go relax at work, yes relax, this is what I did:
Adelyn ate at 12:00 today and fell asleep shortly after she was done eating. I brought her upstairs for a nap and decided NOT to take a bath and instead cleaned (I showered and got all clean first because I knew it wouldn't last long, it never does). I had just settled with my book and my bath, when low and behold 10 minutes later Adelyn did NOT start crying. I did NOT let her cry for a couple minutes before I went up and changed her diaper (just pee, mind you) and "tried" to rock her back to sleep. So after 10 minutes I decided she would NOT have fun sitting in her rocker in the bathroom while I bathed. Not even 10 minutes after I settled in again I DID NOT hear the sound of her filling her pants. Once again, I didn't change her right away (as she sometimes will have a round two shortly after round one and if you change her right after round one, well, round two ends up...ON YOU). What do you know...round two came along. I, once again, did NOT get out of the bath tub to change her diaper. When I picked her up her "poop," ahem liquid like substance, did NOT drip out of the side of her shorts (maybe drip is too nice. I prefer streamed.) Since this was going to be a long clean-up (involving washing the swimming pool of yellowish-green poo out of the rocker) I did NOT watch the water and my relaxation run down the drain.
I did NOT want to relax this afternoon. NOPE, NOT ME.
BUT, alas, she is now taking another nap and after I publish this I might (key word folks: might) just get to read my book on the couch.
P.S. Whoever said that breastfed babies poop DOESN'T stain is off their rocker. That "stuff" (I would prefer another word but for the sake of keeping this rated G I won't use it) is toxic. It takes a combination of Spray n Wash and liquid dish soap and occasionally the second, sometimes third, wash to get the stain out.
Just kidding about the book on the couch. Adelyn woke up.
And I did NOT just realize that today is Wednesday and edit this post for the 5th time. Nope, not me.
While you read this keep in mind that Eric and I performed 8 hours of MANUAL labor in the yard yesterday. So while he got to go relax at work, yes relax, this is what I did:
Adelyn ate at 12:00 today and fell asleep shortly after she was done eating. I brought her upstairs for a nap and decided NOT to take a bath and instead cleaned (I showered and got all clean first because I knew it wouldn't last long, it never does). I had just settled with my book and my bath, when low and behold 10 minutes later Adelyn did NOT start crying. I did NOT let her cry for a couple minutes before I went up and changed her diaper (just pee, mind you) and "tried" to rock her back to sleep. So after 10 minutes I decided she would NOT have fun sitting in her rocker in the bathroom while I bathed. Not even 10 minutes after I settled in again I DID NOT hear the sound of her filling her pants. Once again, I didn't change her right away (as she sometimes will have a round two shortly after round one and if you change her right after round one, well, round two ends up...ON YOU). What do you know...round two came along. I, once again, did NOT get out of the bath tub to change her diaper. When I picked her up her "poop," ahem liquid like substance, did NOT drip out of the side of her shorts (maybe drip is too nice. I prefer streamed.) Since this was going to be a long clean-up (involving washing the swimming pool of yellowish-green poo out of the rocker) I did NOT watch the water and my relaxation run down the drain.
I did NOT want to relax this afternoon. NOPE, NOT ME.
BUT, alas, she is now taking another nap and after I publish this I might (key word folks: might) just get to read my book on the couch.
P.S. Whoever said that breastfed babies poop DOESN'T stain is off their rocker. That "stuff" (I would prefer another word but for the sake of keeping this rated G I won't use it) is toxic. It takes a combination of Spray n Wash and liquid dish soap and occasionally the second, sometimes third, wash to get the stain out.
Just kidding about the book on the couch. Adelyn woke up.
And I did NOT just realize that today is Wednesday and edit this post for the 5th time. Nope, not me.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Easter Sunday
We spent Easter Sunday at my parents house, the whole day! We went to church in the morning with Nana and Grandpa. We then had my mom's side of the family over for lunch and Adelyn got to meet her cousin, Issac (not sure on the exact relation but Issac's mom and I are cousins). Issac was born on January 28 and Adelyn is February 2, needless to say they are close in age! Issac is 2lbs more than A and they are about the same height...attached are some pictures of the two of them. It was fun comparing the two of them. They look kinda similar too!

At night we had my dad's family over for dinner. It was really nice seeing them again too. A couple of them we haven't seen since Adelyn was born, so they were excited to see how big she had gotten! The night wouldn't have been complete without a meltdown from Adelyn-sensory overload :)

At night we had my dad's family over for dinner. It was really nice seeing them again too. A couple of them we haven't seen since Adelyn was born, so they were excited to see how big she had gotten! The night wouldn't have been complete without a meltdown from Adelyn-sensory overload :)

This is my dad's Uncle Jim, my great Uncle and A's great, great!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Adelyn's 2 month checkup
2 month checkup:
weight: 12lbs, 75th-90th percentile
height: 23inches, 75th percentile
head: 90th percentile
Adelyn's checkup went well!!! The doctor was very happy with how she is growing and she was also very impressed with Adelyn's ability to hold her head up :) She gave me the green light to start cereal a little before her 4 month checkup or I can wait until after...we'll see how it goes! She had to get 4 shots, 1 was orally. The pokes in the legs did not go over so well...she screamed one of those screams that they don't breathe and then scream, pretty sure it was heartbreaking. She then proceeded to sleep for 4 hours and was really crabby the rest of the night. They had told me to give her a bath at night and then massage where the injections were....HAHAHA...thats a great idea, if you want to start the whole screaming process again. Needless to say, we stopped that soon after we started.
weight: 12lbs, 75th-90th percentile
height: 23inches, 75th percentile
head: 90th percentile
Adelyn's checkup went well!!! The doctor was very happy with how she is growing and she was also very impressed with Adelyn's ability to hold her head up :) She gave me the green light to start cereal a little before her 4 month checkup or I can wait until after...we'll see how it goes! She had to get 4 shots, 1 was orally. The pokes in the legs did not go over so well...she screamed one of those screams that they don't breathe and then scream, pretty sure it was heartbreaking. She then proceeded to sleep for 4 hours and was really crabby the rest of the night. They had told me to give her a bath at night and then massage where the injections were....HAHAHA...thats a great idea, if you want to start the whole screaming process again. Needless to say, we stopped that soon after we started.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
2 Months...Crazy!
Adelyn is 2 months today!! I find that super crazy and slightly amazing that time has gone so fast. She can now smile like crazy...big gummy ones, it's so rewarding! She loves to take walks- when its warm, ride in the car, sit in her swing, cuddle with Mommy and Daddy and sleep...oh and did I mention eat? She does that very well! She is an extremally happy baby, she turned that corner when she was 7 weeks old after about 4 weeks of fussy baby-and by fussy she was crabby for 1-2 hours at night total. We are working on a schedule. She is now going to bed around 8 and sleeping for at least 6 hours, I had it two days in a row where she slept 8!! Yay...that means that I get 8 hours of sleep too =) She likes to wake up around 6, eat, go back to sleep for a little while, she'll wake up around 8 to "hang out," then she eats at 9 and takes a long morning nap-usually 2.5-3hours. After her hap she'll eat again, be up for about an hour and then we usually take an hour to 1.5 hour nap together. When Eric gets home is her long awake period and she usually stays awake, maybe a short catnap or two, for 3 hours, then off to bed! Her bedtime routine includes a bath, nursing, a song and rocking...we are working on less rocking and more going to sleep by ourself and it is actually working quite well :)
We have a doctors appt tomorrow and I am not to thrilled about it. She has to get all her it won't be fun. I will post her stats tomorrow!

We have a doctors appt tomorrow and I am not to thrilled about it. She has to get all her it won't be fun. I will post her stats tomorrow!
These are her 1 month pictures...we just did her 2 month ones yesterday. When I get those I'll be sure to post!

North Carolina
North Carolina was great! We had a lot of fun visiting Josh and seeing the base. The trip down there was awesome, Adelyn only cried at the end when we were trying to make it to the base before I had to nurse her didn't work. We stayed on the base in a room for $25 a night and yes it wasn't the greatest. It was clean so I guess that's all that matters. Josh is doing really well. We found out that he wasn't exaggerating when he said that the nearest town was 20-30 minutes away...its true you can either go to Morehead or New Bern and if you want to go somewhere were there are more than 2 choices for restaurants you have to drive an hour to get there. They really are out in the middle of no where. Thursday night when we got there Josh didn't have to go into work, so we got there unpacked, ordered pizza and visited with Josh for a little bit before going to bed. Friday Josh came over around 11 and we went to the mall and out to lunch. He had to work that night so we just hung out in our "barracks." (Our room really was an old barrack) Saturday we went to the beach, Rachel just had to go even though it was only 50) and we went into Green___ for dinner (I don't remember the exact name). We made the mistake of choosing BW3's. It was March Madness so yes I was the mom with a baby in the extremely loud bar...we ended up getting our food to go and eating it in the car. Adelyn decided she wanted to have a melt down and proceeded to cry for an hour straight, in the car. Sunday we hung out with Josh some more, we went to a "flea market," it really was a garage sale for the hillbilly's...a ton of junk and nothing worthwhile. Monday was our last day there and we went out to lunch with Josh and spent our last hour back in the room. He left for work, we took a nap and then headed for home around 7pm. We arrived home at 1:30pm on Tuesday and had another uneventful car ride home :)

Josh meeting Adelyn for the first time! He's pretty proud =)

Josh took me for a ride on his was really fun but super scary...sitting on the back of a piece of plastic isn't exactly comforting.

Adelyn's new trick :)

The siblings and the niece :)

Adelyn had to take a bath in the sink...there was no other option. She didn't mind!

Josh meeting Adelyn for the first time! He's pretty proud =)
As for the amount of clothing we used it was probably 1/2 to 3/4 of what I brought. She only pooped/peed through her clothes twice, which might be a record! I never got peed/pooped on once for the trip. She must have known we weren't at home and if she had peed/pooped it would have either gotten all over the car or my bed. What a good kid!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
6 Days Away with Baby
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Long Overdue Update
This is a long overdue update! Our little girl is growing like a weed, a little over 10 pounds! She is 5 weeks old and as of last night is sleeping in her big girl bed, upstairs, all by herself! We are pretty proud :) She is smiling in response to our smiles, which is very rewarding, and she likes to smile in her sleep all the time. She is sleeping 5-6 hours at a time, at night. We have discovered that she does not like onions and chocolate. Onions give her reallly bad gas and make her cry ALOT!! When I have a lot of chocolate (excessive amounts) its like she is on drugs and the poor kid gets the shakes (that only happened once and will never happen again!) Lakota is doing great with her, Adelyn is probably Lakotas favorite person I am typing this Lakota has gone upstairs and closed herself in Adelyns room.
Adelyn, me, my mom and my sister have planned a last minute trip to North Carolina to visit my brother! We are really excited and will be leaving March 19th and returning March 24...this trip is long overdue for me, I haven't seen him in over a year, and he has not gotten a chance to meet Adelyn yet! We are driving, that will prove to be interesting and we are taking our Jetta, so a tiny car, 3 adults and an infant AND 6 days worth of stuff...oh boy :) We will be staying on the base and I am looking forward to 6 days of sunshine and warm weather!!!
Adelyn, me, my mom and my sister have planned a last minute trip to North Carolina to visit my brother! We are really excited and will be leaving March 19th and returning March 24...this trip is long overdue for me, I haven't seen him in over a year, and he has not gotten a chance to meet Adelyn yet! We are driving, that will prove to be interesting and we are taking our Jetta, so a tiny car, 3 adults and an infant AND 6 days worth of stuff...oh boy :) We will be staying on the base and I am looking forward to 6 days of sunshine and warm weather!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Life with a Newborn
Life with a newborn has been great!! We can't complain. Our little one likes to sleep, she goes every three hours during the day and 4-5 at night :) We have been having a lot of fun with her, she had her first trip to Meijer when she was 4 days old (every baby has to have a trip to Meijer within their first week of life!) On Valentines day we went to the beach (we stayed in the car) and then got to-go food from 84 East, my favorite! Eric had a little over a week off to enjoy her with me and he loves being a daddy. He has been really helpful around the house and I think, if Adelyn could talk, she would tell you he gives a better bath than me!
Adelyns stats:
19 1/2 inches long
7lbs 11ozs
5 day doctors visit:
19 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile
7lbs 10ozs, 50th percentile
head was in the 75th percentile
2 week doctors visit:
21 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
8lbs 9ozs, 50the percentile
head still in the 75th percentile

Adelyns stats:
19 1/2 inches long
7lbs 11ozs
5 day doctors visit:
19 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile
7lbs 10ozs, 50th percentile
head was in the 75th percentile
2 week doctors visit:
21 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
8lbs 9ozs, 50the percentile
head still in the 75th percentile

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