Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Schedules, Schedules, Schedules

0-3 Month Schedule:
eat, sleep, poop, pee. Ok so the first month or two you were on that schedule. Then you decided you like the every 3 hour schedule. I fed you basically at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7. You napped between each feeding and slept for 12 hours, starting at 9 weeks.

3-6 month and 3 weeks Schedule:
You decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse every 4 hours. I fed you at 7, 11, 3 and 7. At 4 months we introduced solids starting with a supper around 4:30 each night. At 5 months we started breakfast around 8. During that time frame you were taking 3 naps around 9, 1 and 4. Your 4 o'clock nap was incredibly short, 15-30 minutes. I know "the books" don't call that a real nap but believe me you needed it.

6 month and 3 weeks-Present Schedule:
You, once again, decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse only 3 times. You decided to, all of a sudden, take super long naps-for you-and it was becoming very inconvenient-for me-to nurse you 4 times and feed you twice. Soooo we devised the "new schedule." I nurse you at 7, 1 and 7 and feed you at 8, 12 and 4:30. Your lunch now consists of chopped fruits/veggies, not mashed, and you do extremely well with it. You now nap at 10 and 3 and each nap is at least an hour if not between 1 hour and 2 hours. You still go to bed at approximately 7:15 and you proceed to sleep until 7 the next morning. woot. woot.

I am quite thrilled at you naturally weaning yourself. I just didn't think the process would start so early. It is exactly how I want it to go and hopefully you continue to do so.

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