Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Those People

Well I can honestly say that we have officially been Those People. You know, the ones when you are in a restaurant that have the child who is arching her back in the high chair, flinging toys and making loud noises. Or the ones who are in the store and as soon as the stroller stops moving the child starts sobbing. Yes, Those People. We went to 84 East and the first happened. Yesterday I went to Children's Place and the second happened. Neither time was nap time. At Children's Place I was even shopping for YOU. Most definitely not me. I must say though, while we were at the Children's Place we weren't THOSE PEOPLE. The ones who have the child that is flailing her arms, screaming and knocking things off the racks. If I ever am on my way to becoming THOSE PEOPLE I sure hope I leave before it gets to that point.
While I was at the mall I was hoping to shop for myself. I desperately need some long sleeve shirts, probably because I keep wearing the same thing and we all know how warm it's been here lately. Alas, I decided I didn't need long sleeve shirts bad enough to become THOSE PEOPLE.

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