Monday, November 2, 2009

9 months

Baby Adelyn, today you are 9 months. It makes me sad how fast you are growing but yet each day you are doing new things. We have just gotten the all clear after 10 days of harrowing (more for me) illnesses. You had croup, bronchiolits and pneumonia. Yikes. You gained back all the weight you had lost while you were sick and I am VERY happy about that.
At 9 months you:
-are crawling everywhere!!! you have been for about 3 weeks.
-you pull to standing. and started that only a couple days after crawling.
-you eat practically everything. we still have yet to find something you DONT like.
-you wear a size 3 diaper.
-you are in mostly 9 month clothes but are starting to wear 12 months because you are so long and I hate it when your little ankles hang out in the freezing cold.
-you nurse 3 times a day.
-you love water.
-you take 2 naps a day. one at 10 and one at 3ish.
-you say mama and you know who it pertains too :)
-you still love Lakota. she always lays by you and you poke her eyes, pull her hair, pull her lips, yank her ears and she just stares at me, like "Mom are you really going to let that happen?"
-you weight 19lbs 12ozs and are 28 1/2 inches long.

You have your well baby doctors visit next week (no shots!!!) so we'll see how you measure on the charts then :)

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