Adelyn you have now celebrated your half birthday and you are getting so big :) You grow like a little weed and you do new things every day.
Some of your latest tricks:
-you can sit up by yourself-you have been for about 3 weeks now
-you just started saying understandable things. you'll say da da da but you still don't know who that is for :)
-you nurse at 7, 11, 3 and 7
-you eat solids at 8 and 4:30. you LOVE food
-you nap at 9:15 and 1:15. sometimes you still have to take a 15 minute catnap at 4:15.
-you sleep from 7 to 7
-you have mastered putting yourself to sleep. i now nurse you downstairs, bring you upstairs, read a book, sing jesus loves me and by the end of those two things you are itching for your bed. i lay you in your bed and you immediately roll onto your side or completely over onto your belly.
-you now do laps around your crib and sometimes you talk yourself to sleep
-you like to rock back and forth in your high chair because it rolls on the floor when you do that
-you got over your second cold about 2 weeks ago
-you have officially been camping. in a tent. we will be going again in 2 weeks to silver lake :)
-you are still, and getting worse, completely 100% a mama's girl
-you hate bottles. if you had your way im sure you would be on the boob forever. ok maybe not forever but for a LONG time. lucky for us my cutoff is a year
-you have one more new GIRL friend. Kaylee Grace Lampen graced us with her presence July 28. She weighted 7lbs 11ozs and was 20 inches long. sound familiar?? well thats because you were the same!
-you love Lakota. you could just laugh and laugh at her
-you weigh approximately 18lbs
-i have just started using some of your 9 month clothes
-you were a size 3 diaper
-you have graduated to the 6 month and up paci
-you are starting to reach for me

Some of your latest tricks:
-you can sit up by yourself-you have been for about 3 weeks now
-you just started saying understandable things. you'll say da da da but you still don't know who that is for :)
-you nurse at 7, 11, 3 and 7
-you eat solids at 8 and 4:30. you LOVE food
-you nap at 9:15 and 1:15. sometimes you still have to take a 15 minute catnap at 4:15.
-you sleep from 7 to 7
-you have mastered putting yourself to sleep. i now nurse you downstairs, bring you upstairs, read a book, sing jesus loves me and by the end of those two things you are itching for your bed. i lay you in your bed and you immediately roll onto your side or completely over onto your belly.
-you now do laps around your crib and sometimes you talk yourself to sleep
-you like to rock back and forth in your high chair because it rolls on the floor when you do that
-you got over your second cold about 2 weeks ago
-you have officially been camping. in a tent. we will be going again in 2 weeks to silver lake :)
-you are still, and getting worse, completely 100% a mama's girl
-you hate bottles. if you had your way im sure you would be on the boob forever. ok maybe not forever but for a LONG time. lucky for us my cutoff is a year
-you have one more new GIRL friend. Kaylee Grace Lampen graced us with her presence July 28. She weighted 7lbs 11ozs and was 20 inches long. sound familiar?? well thats because you were the same!
-you love Lakota. you could just laugh and laugh at her
-you weigh approximately 18lbs
-i have just started using some of your 9 month clothes
-you were a size 3 diaper
-you have graduated to the 6 month and up paci
-you are starting to reach for me

You made Daddy pancakes for Fathers day :)

Your new friend, Baby Kaylee. She has crazy tons of hair!

Your adventures in the blueberry patch
I love this post! It almost makes me cry...I love how much you love Adelyn, Nichole! I know you're not at all sorry that she's 100% a mama's girl:)