Sunday, April 5, 2009

Adelyn's 2 month checkup

2 month checkup:
weight: 12lbs, 75th-90th percentile
height: 23inches, 75th percentile
head: 90th percentile

Adelyn's checkup went well!!! The doctor was very happy with how she is growing and she was also very impressed with Adelyn's ability to hold her head up :) She gave me the green light to start cereal a little before her 4 month checkup or I can wait until after...we'll see how it goes! She had to get 4 shots, 1 was orally. The pokes in the legs did not go over so well...she screamed one of those screams that they don't breathe and then scream, pretty sure it was heartbreaking. She then proceeded to sleep for 4 hours and was really crabby the rest of the night. They had told me to give her a bath at night and then massage where the injections were....HAHAHA...thats a great idea, if you want to start the whole screaming process again. Needless to say, we stopped that soon after we started.

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