Adelyn is 2 months today!! I find that super crazy and slightly amazing that time has gone so fast. She can now smile like crazy...big gummy ones, it's so rewarding! She loves to take walks- when its warm, ride in the car, sit in her swing, cuddle with Mommy and Daddy and sleep...oh and did I mention eat? She does that very well! She is an extremally happy baby, she turned that corner when she was 7 weeks old after about 4 weeks of fussy baby-and by fussy she was crabby for 1-2 hours at night total. We are working on a schedule. She is now going to bed around 8 and sleeping for at least 6 hours, I had it two days in a row where she slept 8!! Yay...that means that I get 8 hours of sleep too =) She likes to wake up around 6, eat, go back to sleep for a little while, she'll wake up around 8 to "hang out," then she eats at 9 and takes a long morning nap-usually 2.5-3hours. After her hap she'll eat again, be up for about an hour and then we usually take an hour to 1.5 hour nap together. When Eric gets home is her long awake period and she usually stays awake, maybe a short catnap or two, for 3 hours, then off to bed! Her bedtime routine includes a bath, nursing, a song and rocking...we are working on less rocking and more going to sleep by ourself and it is actually working quite well :)
We have a doctors appt tomorrow and I am not to thrilled about it. She has to get all her it won't be fun. I will post her stats tomorrow!

We have a doctors appt tomorrow and I am not to thrilled about it. She has to get all her it won't be fun. I will post her stats tomorrow!
These are her 1 month pictures...we just did her 2 month ones yesterday. When I get those I'll be sure to post!

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