North Carolina was great! We had a lot of fun visiting Josh and seeing the base. The trip down there was awesome, Adelyn only cried at the end when we were trying to make it to the base before I had to nurse her didn't work. We stayed on the base in a room for $25 a night and yes it wasn't the greatest. It was clean so I guess that's all that matters. Josh is doing really well. We found out that he wasn't exaggerating when he said that the nearest town was 20-30 minutes away...its true you can either go to Morehead or New Bern and if you want to go somewhere were there are more than 2 choices for restaurants you have to drive an hour to get there. They really are out in the middle of no where. Thursday night when we got there Josh didn't have to go into work, so we got there unpacked, ordered pizza and visited with Josh for a little bit before going to bed. Friday Josh came over around 11 and we went to the mall and out to lunch. He had to work that night so we just hung out in our "barracks." (Our room really was an old barrack) Saturday we went to the beach, Rachel just had to go even though it was only 50) and we went into Green___ for dinner (I don't remember the exact name). We made the mistake of choosing BW3's. It was March Madness so yes I was the mom with a baby in the extremely loud bar...we ended up getting our food to go and eating it in the car. Adelyn decided she wanted to have a melt down and proceeded to cry for an hour straight, in the car. Sunday we hung out with Josh some more, we went to a "flea market," it really was a garage sale for the hillbilly's...a ton of junk and nothing worthwhile. Monday was our last day there and we went out to lunch with Josh and spent our last hour back in the room. He left for work, we took a nap and then headed for home around 7pm. We arrived home at 1:30pm on Tuesday and had another uneventful car ride home :)

Josh meeting Adelyn for the first time! He's pretty proud =)

Josh took me for a ride on his was really fun but super scary...sitting on the back of a piece of plastic isn't exactly comforting.

Adelyn's new trick :)

The siblings and the niece :)

Adelyn had to take a bath in the sink...there was no other option. She didn't mind!

Josh meeting Adelyn for the first time! He's pretty proud =)
As for the amount of clothing we used it was probably 1/2 to 3/4 of what I brought. She only pooped/peed through her clothes twice, which might be a record! I never got peed/pooped on once for the trip. She must have known we weren't at home and if she had peed/pooped it would have either gotten all over the car or my bed. What a good kid!
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