Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not Me Monday's...

Actually "Not Me Tuesday" is more like it. Before I begin maybe I better explain. There is another blog I read, MckMama, who occasionally does Not Me Monday's. She will blog about her Monday, in not me form and readers will leave comments about their Not Me Monday's.

While you read this keep in mind that Eric and I performed 8 hours of MANUAL labor in the yard yesterday. So while he got to go relax at work, yes relax, this is what I did:

Adelyn ate at 12:00 today and fell asleep shortly after she was done eating. I brought her upstairs for a nap and decided NOT to take a bath and instead cleaned (I showered and got all clean first because I knew it wouldn't last long, it never does). I had just settled with my book and my bath, when low and behold 10 minutes later Adelyn did NOT start crying. I did NOT let her cry for a couple minutes before I went up and changed her diaper (just pee, mind you) and "tried" to rock her back to sleep. So after 10 minutes I decided she would NOT have fun sitting in her rocker in the bathroom while I bathed. Not even 10 minutes after I settled in again I DID NOT hear the sound of her filling her pants. Once again, I didn't change her right away (as she sometimes will have a round two shortly after round one and if you change her right after round one, well, round two ends up...ON YOU). What do you know...round two came along. I, once again, did NOT get out of the bath tub to change her diaper. When I picked her up her "poop," ahem liquid like substance, did NOT drip out of the side of her shorts (maybe drip is too nice. I prefer streamed.) Since this was going to be a long clean-up (involving washing the swimming pool of yellowish-green poo out of the rocker) I did NOT watch the water and my relaxation run down the drain.

I did NOT want to relax this afternoon. NOPE, NOT ME.

BUT, alas, she is now taking another nap and after I publish this I might (key word folks: might) just get to read my book on the couch.

P.S. Whoever said that breastfed babies poop DOESN'T stain is off their rocker. That "stuff" (I would prefer another word but for the sake of keeping this rated G I won't use it) is toxic. It takes a combination of Spray n Wash and liquid dish soap and occasionally the second, sometimes third, wash to get the stain out.

Just kidding about the book on the couch. Adelyn woke up.

And I did NOT just realize that today is Wednesday and edit this post for the 5th time. Nope, not me.

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