Miss Adelyn is 5 months old today!? I find that completely and utterly insane. She is growing way to fast and I can't believe she is so big already. Everybody who sees her can't believe she is only 5 months old. They always say she is so alert and always taking everything in.
-You LOVE food. We can't seem to find anything that you don't like.
-You are grabbing everything AND chewing everything.
-If I lay you on your belly on the wood floor you will roll right over but if you are on the carpet you are content just to lay there and chew on toys.
-You are completely 100% a mama's girl. I love it most times but when I leave you with somebody and they put you to bed and I find out you just wailed it breaks my heart.
-You smile at everybody.
-You love to talk. Every once in a while you will wake up in the middle of the night and just talk away. It sounds like a pterodactyl over the monitor.
-You sleep from 7-7 and you take 2 sometimes 3 naps a day. The first two are generally 45 minutes and the last one is half an hour'ish.
-I finally took the head piece out of your car seat. I think you like it a lot better.
-You LOVE LOVE LOVE to stand. We have a jumperoo from Uncle Scott and Aunt Melissa and you could jump in there for hours. OK usually half an hour is your max.
-You love to be outside. Mommy wants to get you a kiddie pool for the deck so we can "lay out" this summer. I'll work on my tan. You can work on, well, being a ghost.
-You love to "swim". We have taken you swimming twice and both times you just love it. You also love to kick in your bath.
-You are such a trooper. As I write this you are going on day two at the hospital. You are entertaining everyone in Papa's room after his surgery.
-You love Kota Bear. Every time you see her you just smile away...we wonder what you think when you look at her ;)
-You are in 6 month clothes. You have some 3 month ones that fit still but those are ones that were big to begin with.
-You rarely cry. When you do you either want to eat or sleep. Or you want your mama.
-I never knew so much poop could come out of one so little. Yet you cease to amaze me every day.
-You have not had one drop of formula yet. A fact I am entirely proud of. You are not a big fan of bottles.
-You are so EXCITED for Baby Lampen to get here. Just 2 more weeks, hopefully.
4 month stats:
height: 25 inches, 75th percentile
weight: 15 lbs 2 ozs, 75th percentile
head circumference: 90-95th percentile, you get your large noggin from the Rogalske side
You are about 16lbs at 5months.
We got these pictures done a couple days ago at the Holland State park.
These are your current baby friends right now. In 2 more weeks you will have another girl friend and in November you will have yet ANOTHER girl friend.
Courtesy of Tammi Dryden-more than words photography: she is AWESOME.

-You LOVE food. We can't seem to find anything that you don't like.
-You are grabbing everything AND chewing everything.
-If I lay you on your belly on the wood floor you will roll right over but if you are on the carpet you are content just to lay there and chew on toys.
-You are completely 100% a mama's girl. I love it most times but when I leave you with somebody and they put you to bed and I find out you just wailed it breaks my heart.
-You smile at everybody.
-You love to talk. Every once in a while you will wake up in the middle of the night and just talk away. It sounds like a pterodactyl over the monitor.
-You sleep from 7-7 and you take 2 sometimes 3 naps a day. The first two are generally 45 minutes and the last one is half an hour'ish.
-I finally took the head piece out of your car seat. I think you like it a lot better.
-You LOVE LOVE LOVE to stand. We have a jumperoo from Uncle Scott and Aunt Melissa and you could jump in there for hours. OK usually half an hour is your max.
-You love to be outside. Mommy wants to get you a kiddie pool for the deck so we can "lay out" this summer. I'll work on my tan. You can work on, well, being a ghost.
-You love to "swim". We have taken you swimming twice and both times you just love it. You also love to kick in your bath.
-You are such a trooper. As I write this you are going on day two at the hospital. You are entertaining everyone in Papa's room after his surgery.
-You love Kota Bear. Every time you see her you just smile away...we wonder what you think when you look at her ;)
-You are in 6 month clothes. You have some 3 month ones that fit still but those are ones that were big to begin with.
-You rarely cry. When you do you either want to eat or sleep. Or you want your mama.
-I never knew so much poop could come out of one so little. Yet you cease to amaze me every day.
-You have not had one drop of formula yet. A fact I am entirely proud of. You are not a big fan of bottles.
-You are so EXCITED for Baby Lampen to get here. Just 2 more weeks, hopefully.
4 month stats:
height: 25 inches, 75th percentile
weight: 15 lbs 2 ozs, 75th percentile
head circumference: 90-95th percentile, you get your large noggin from the Rogalske side
You are about 16lbs at 5months.
We got these pictures done a couple days ago at the Holland State park.
These are your current baby friends right now. In 2 more weeks you will have another girl friend and in November you will have yet ANOTHER girl friend.
Courtesy of Tammi Dryden-more than words photography: she is AWESOME.

Adelyn-you are a beast
Adelyn-you are a beast

You are too precious. I LOVE your swimsuit =)
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