Wednesday, September 2, 2009

*Sniff*7 Months Old*Sniff*

Adelyn, Adelyn J, Miss Adelyn, Addy, A, Goose, Gossey, Baby Adelyn. Those are our terms of endearment for you so far. Of course honey, sweetie and all of those can be added to the mix too :)

-You nurse 3 times a day, eat meals 3 times a day and take 2 naps.
-You are sitting exclusively. For long periods.
-You will rock back and forth on your hands and knees.
-You LOVE water. LOVE.
-You are in 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 3 diaper.
-Wave good-bye. Or hello. Either way.
-I still cannot find anything you do not like. Hopefully the trend continues.
-You can now blow raspberries. I was all concerned because you weren't doing this and I had been reading other babies do it much earlier. Little did I know if I just did it at you a couple days in a row, you would do it ;) Your dad wasn't very impressed. He seemed to think it wasn't developmentally important. Silly mommy, thinking blowing raspberries is important.
-STILL have not had a drop of formula. Or canned baby food. Go me. Your daddy helped me make baby food the other night. We made enough for almost a month. After we were done he said (and I quote) "I don't know how you do it."
-You LOVE your blanket. Or hot pad. Depends on which parent you ask ;) You heard it here first WILL NOT leave your crib. Unless if we go on vacation. It then comes with for your pack n play.
-Have graduated to the Recaro Como in Pink. You love it. You were 4 lbs and 3 inches away from outgrowing your other seat but you do enjoy this seat so much more because you sit up.
-Still have not gotten your first teeth. I don't even look anymore. I figure I'll know once you bite me. I'm looking forward to it.

I love you baby girl!

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