Wednesday, November 11, 2009

9 Month Stats

Adelyn had her 9 month doctors appointment on Monday. Everything went really well and she is meeting all of her milestones. Shes slowed down a little on the growth chart:
28.5in long-75th percentile
19lbs 11oz-75th percentile
18.5in head circumference-97th percentile
Hallelujah her head is back on the charts!!! We are no longer setting records ;) (They never were worried about her head size, since big heads run on my side of the family.)
I am so happy that they didn't have a fit either when I refused the flu shots. She just said I have to let you know. That was awesome, I was prepared for the worst. So we escaped WITHOUT getting any shots! woot. woot. We go back February 3 and have to get all of her 1 year shots then...that will stink.
Mini-vacay next weekend for the Fitzgeralds! I am so excited and so ready :)

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