Monday, March 25, 2013

Pretty Girls at Panera

I was headed out for a moment of peace and quiet with Adelyn.  Eric asked me to get the van tire fixed and I thought we could grab a snack at Panera while we waited.  Joelle desperately wanted to come so we made it a girls night.  I got them a cinnamon roll to share and I, of course, had one too.

Adelyn has been really into making silly faces for pictures.  Joelle is saying cheeeeeeese.

Like I said.  Silly faces.  But she's pretty cute so we'll call it good.

Love going out with just the girls.  The boys had a pretty special night too.  Daddy took Brecken for a walk and then they came home and made homemade hot chocolate.  Brecken talked about it for dayssss.

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