Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Most Stubborn Child. Ever.

Let me introduce you to my daughter Joelle.  She is the most mule-headed person I know.  Hands down.  She'll see someone do something and then she has to do it.  Only she doesn't know how to do it.  Because she is NOT coordinated in any way, shape or form.  For instance, she climbed on these boxes yesterday.  She couldn't figure out how to get down.  No joke.  I left her there for 15 minutes.  I like it when my kids learn how to do things themselves.  The problem with her is, she WON'T.  No matter how long I leave her.  Sure, she will eventually figure it out.  Someday.  She was squawking at me for the longest time.  "Mommy! Help!"  Mommy! Down!" "Dadddddddddddy!!!"  Eric got home and she heard him walk in.  "Dadddddddddddy!"  He walked in and laughed.  Because he knew exactly what was up.  He walked away.  I grabbed the camera and walked towards her "No cheese!  No cheese!"  Poor girl.  I snapped a picture and showed her how to get down.  Sigh.
March2013 021

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