Friday, March 1, 2013

Disney Princesses On Ice

Tiff, Joy (Tiff's sister) and I wanted to take the girls to Princesses on Ice.  I had gone back and forth about taking Adelyn, since she might not remember, but she had soo much fun it was worth it.  All $107 of it.  Who knew tickets could be so expensive, anyways?!  Argh.  We brought it up at Bible Study on Thursday night and one of the ladies there said she had taken her grand daughters last year.  She also mentioned that they wished they had known before but a lot of the little girls wore princess dresses.  Ohhh brother was my response.  But I knew Adelyn would love it so I had Eric pick her up a princess dress on his lunch.  He gave it to her and told her where she was going, since he didn't get to go.  All I had told her, earlier in the day, was that we were doing something fun, later, with friends.

The big reveal!

The pretty girl, her handsome daddy and her pretty princess dress.

Three pretty princesses.  We dined at the Olive Garden that night.  Always a yummy treat.

Love them.

So bummed.  I didn't even think to bring my zoom lens.  Since we were a ways away the exposure was getting all messed up and you can't see a lot of detail.  Oh welllll.
Princesses on Ice!

I had to post this one because Adelyn was terrified when they came out.  They are meant to be soldiers from Toy Story but Adelyn was CONVINCED they were The Grinch.  And she HATES The Grinch.  Poor girl..  I had to laugh at it.  She talked about The Grinch for days..



During the intermission we headed down to the floor and got some pics.
Pretty lady and her pretty hair-do.


Momma and Adelyn

Tiff and Sophia



A little after the intermission I headed out to get the girls something to eat.  Tiff convinced me to get snow cones in the princess cups despite my worry that they were going to be uber messy.  The girls were thrilled with their souvenier cups...and it wasn't terribly messy... ;)

The ending...all the performers came out.

Pretty little lady and I.

We had sooo much fun.  The girls had a blast and I'm glad I caved and took them.  Adelyn talks about it all the time.  Hopefully she doesn't forget..and if she does I'll just show her the pictures ;)

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