Friday, March 15, 2013

Fred Meijer Gardens

We headed to Frederick Meijer Gradens to see the butterflies with a bunch of friends.  Joy, William and Sawyer, Tiff, Sophia and Charlie and Rachael, Kaylee and Kaleb all made the trek.  There were tons of butterflies..and tons of people.  I didn't take a stroller so my pictures were few and far between..and definitely don't include all of our group!  But I did manage to snag a few good ones..


William showing Joelle and Adelyn the butterflies ;)

My pictures of these two turned out terrible..not sure why but I had to include them.

Slightly better..

What happens when you try to get a group shot..only one looking and the rest looking a hot mess.

One of these things just doesn't belong...Charlies shoe!  Poor little dude.  I should have just climbed down and got it myself...but they probably would have given me a ticket or something.  The "employees" were beyond thrilled to help us out.

Sawyer moving a tree around in the playroom.


Because that's what you do with a horse.  You ride it.  Fake or not.

We ate lunch in the basement.  Since we brought our own, that's where we were banned too.  When we were getting ready to leave I put Joelle's coat on.  Lord have mercy.  It was the end of the world.  She was rolling around on the floor screaming her fool head off.  She crawled over to some strange lady's leg and started pulling on her pants and screaming.  She finally let go of her.  The lady kept saying "Oh you poor girl.  Oh you poor girl."  Hey.  What about me?!  Finally the rest of our group had left, so I walked over the elevator and told Joelle I was leaving.  I waited patiently in the elevator (with the door open) for her to come over.  She did.  We rode up in silence.  When we got to the main floor it was chaos and I grabbed Brecken's hand and asked her to hold my hand.  "No!"  And off she ran.  Then I chased her down to hold her hand I didn't lose her!  Ohhhh boy.  I'm pretty sure every.single.person at Fred Meijer heard Joelle that day.  She screamed most of the way to the car.  Until Tiff took her and she stopped instantly.  Then when I went to put her in the car (we had Eric's car for the day) she was TICKED because we had Eric's car.  "No Daddy car, no Daddy car!"  So then she screamed from GR until the Hudsonville exit.  When I finally held her hand.  Then Brecken started crying because I wasn't holding his hand.  Sigh.

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