Friday, March 29, 2013

Angry Lady.

This little lady.  She is something else.  In case you didn't figure it out, by the diaper sticking out of the tights, it's Joelle.  She is our drama queen.  Extraordinaire.  Right out of the womb, we knew she was going to be our difficult one.  I can pull up a picture of when I had just given birth and she's laying on my stomach, compare it to a picture of her screaming today, and it's the exact same face.  Not even joking.  She was our "non-sleeper" (not even that bad, maybe once a night until she was 1), she has a temper a mile wide, one wrong move and she's wailing like no tomorrow, loudest, sassiest, littlest lady.  BUT she is also soooo sweet, loves to laugh and has the best giggle, makes the funniest faces, and has the best little personality.  She will, seriously, scream and scream and scream until she either gives up, or gets her way.  She doesn't get her way very often.  So it's usually a lot of screaming.  It's usually when we are leaving somewhere or getting into the van.  I do know how to calm her right down.  She needs to be tightly held/cuddled and she will stop almost instantly.  That's usually a last resort.  And only if she's been screaming for a long time.  I DO feel bad for her.  But don't want to cater to her every whim either.  No amount of threats will get her to stop.  She knows.  Sometimes, she'll stop, say "sorry mommy" and it's done.  Other times, no such luck.  I fear for the teenage years.



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